CfP: The 14th workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling
Thu, 06/12/2014 - 3:29pm
Call for Papers and Demonstrations:
Domain-Specific Modeling workshop at SPLASHCON
20/21 October 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA
The workshop welcomes submissions that address Domain-Specific Modeling on practical or theoretical levels. Our main focus is on graphical domain-specific languages but we will also consider submissions on textual or other DSLs. Some of the issues that we would like to see addressed in this workshop are:
- Industry/academic experience reports describing success/failure in implementing and using DSM languages/tools
- Approaches to identify constructs for DSM languages
- Novel features in language workbenches / tools to support DSM
- Approaches to implement metamodel-based modeling languages
- Metamodeling frameworks and languages
- Modularization technologies for DSM languages and models
- Novel approaches for code generation from domain-specific models
- Issues of support/maintenance for systems built with DSM
- Evolution of languages along with their domain
- Organizational and process issues in DSM adoption and use
Proceedings will be published in ACM DL. See details and submission guidelines at