In order to be resilient to attacks, a cyber-physical system (CPS) must be able to detect attacks before they can cause significant damage. To achieve this, \emph{intrusion detection systems} (IDS) may be deployed, which can detect attacks and alert human operators, who can then intervene. However, the resource-constrained nature of many CPS poses a challenge, since reliable IDS can be computationally expensive. Consequently, computational nodes may not be able to perform intrusion detection continuously, which means that we have to devise a schedule for performing intrusion detection. While a uniformly random schedule may be optimal in a purely cyber system, an optimal schedule for protecting CPS must also take into account the physical properties of the system, since the set of adversarial actions and their consequences depend on the physical systems. Here, in the context of water distribution networks, we study IDS scheduling problems in two settings and under the constraints on the available battery supplies. In the first problem, the objective is to design, for a given duration of time $T$, scheduling schemes for IDS so that the probability of detecting an attack is maximized within that duration. We propose efficient heuristic algorithms for this general problem and evaluate them on various networks. In the second problem, our objective is to design scheduling schemes for IDS so that the overall lifetime of the network is maximized while ensuring that an intruder attack is always detected. Various strategies to deal with this problem are presented and evaluated for various networks.
The objective of this work is to develop an efficient and practical sensor placement method for the failure detection and localization in water networks. We formulate the problem as the minimum test cover problem (MTC) with the objective of selecting the minimum number of sensors required to uniquely identify and localize pipe failure events. First, we summarize a single-level sensing model and discuss an efficient fast greedy approach for solving the MTC problem. Simulation results on benchmark test networks demonstrate the efficacy of the fast greedy algorithm. Second, we develop a multi-level sensing model that captures additional physical features of the disturbance event, such as the time lapsed between the occurrence of disturbance and its detection by the sensor. Our sensor placement approach using MTC extends to the multi-level sensing model and an improved identification performance is obtained via reduced number of sensors (in comparison to single-level sensing model). In particular, we investigate the bi-level sensing model to illustrate the efficacy of employing multi-level sensors for the identification of failure events. Finally, we suggest extensions of our approach for the deployment of heterogeneous sensors in water networks by exploring the trade-off between cost and performance (measured in terms of the identification score of pipe/link failures).