SIES 2015
10th IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems - SIES 2015
University of Siegen
Conference web site:
Submission system:
The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on recent developments, deployments, technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related to embedded systems and their applications in a variety of industrial environments.
TOPICS include, but are not limited to:
- Embedded Systems: Design and Validation of Embedded Systems; Real-Time Issues; Models of Embedded Computation; Design and Verification Languages; Operating Systems and Quasi-Static Scheduling; Timing and Performance Analysis; Power Aware Embedded Computing; Adaptive Embedded Systems; Security in Embedded Systems.
- System-on-Chip and Network-on-Chip Design & Testing: Design of Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processors; Design and Programming of Embedded Multiprocessors; SoC Communication and Architectures; NoC Communication and Architectures; Design of SoC/NoC; Platform-Based Design for Embedded Systems; Reconfigurable Platforms; Multiprocessor SoC Platforms and Tools; Testing of Embedded Core-based Integrated Circuits.
- Networked Embedded Systems: Design Issues for Networked Embedded; Middleware Design and Implementation for Networked Embedded Systems; Self Adaptive Networked Entity Sensor Networks: Architectures, Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control, Time Synchronization Issues, Distributed Localization Algorithms, Routing, Distributed Signal Processing, Security.
- Embedded Applications: Industrial Automation and Controls; Automotive Applications; Industrial Building Automation and Control; Power (sub-) Station Automation and Control; Intelligent Sensors, etc. - design, maintenance, fault tolerance & dependability, networks, infrastructure, safety and security.
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in PDF format, according to the instructions contained in the Conference web site. Contributions must contain original unpublished work.
Papers that have been concurrently submitted to other conferences or journals (double submissions) will be automatically rejected.
Two types of submissions are solicited:
- Long Papers - from 6 to 10 double-column pages (typically 8 pages).
- Work-in-Progress Papers - limited to 4 double-column pages. For further details, please consult the conference web pages.
Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. The final manuscript must be accompanied by a registration form and a registration fee payment proof. All conference attendees, including authors and session chairpersons, must pay the conference registration fee, and their travel expenses.
Deadline for submission of regular papers: February 13, 2015
Notification for acceptance of regular papers: March 27, 2015
Deadline for submission of WiP papers: April 3, 2015
Notification for acceptance of WiP papers: April 13, 2015
Deadline for final manuscript of all papers: May 8, 2015
SIES 2015 General Chairmen:
- Roman Obermaisser, University of Siegen, Germany
- Roberto Passerone, University of Trento, Italy
SIES 2015 Program Chairmen:
- Marco Di Natale, Scuola Superiore
- S. Anna, Pisa, Italy
- Achim Rettberg, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany
SIES 2015 Finance Chairmen:
- Richard Zurawski, ISA Group, USA
- Marcin Grzegorzek, University of Siegen, Germany
SIES Series Steering Committee
- Rolf Ernst, TUB, Germany
- Giovanni De Micheli, EPFL, Switzerland
- Rajesh Gupta, UC San Diego, USA
- Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC Berkeley, USA
- Richard Zurawski, ISA Group, USA
SIES 2015 International Advisory Committee
- Eric Dekneuvel, UNSA, France
- Luis Gomes, Uninova, Portugal
- Thomas Nolte, Malardalen University, Sweden
- Roberto Passerone, Univ. of Trento, Italy
- Gilles Sassatelli, LIRM, France
- Eduardo Tovar, IPP, Portugal
- Alain Vachoux, EPFL, Switzerland
- Jian-Jia Chen, KIT, Germany
- Marco Di Natale, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Italy
- Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
- Hakan Aydin, George Mason University
- Luciano Lavagno, Politecnico di Torino Luca Santinelli, ONERA
- Nicola Bombieri, University of Verona
- Giorgio Buttazzo, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
- Giuseppe Lipari, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
- Haibo Zeng, McGill University
- Luigi Palopoli, University of Trento
- Sebastian Obermeier, ABB Corporate Research
- Marcio Kreutz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
- Moris Behnam, MRTC/Malardalen University
- Luis Almeida, Fac. de Eng. da Universidade do Porto
- Stefan Schneele, Airbus Group Innovations
- Michael Wahler, ABB Corporate Research
- Tullio Vardanega, University of Padua Kim Gruettner, OFFIS
- Paulo Pedreiras, University of Aveiro
- Petru Eles, Linkoping University
- Enrico Macii, Politecnico di Torino
- David Broman, University of California, Berkeley
- Rene Graf, Siemens AG Industry Sector
- Christoph Scherrer, Thales Austria GmbH
- Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni, CEA LIST
- Alain Girault, INRIA
- Ahlem Mifdaoui, University of Toulouse / ISAE
- Mario Alves, CISTER Research Unit, Politecnico do Porto
- Tullio Facchinetti, University of Pavia
- Sanjoy Baruah, University of North Carolina
- Rodolfo Pellizzoni, University of Waterloo
- David Atienza, Embedded Systems Laboratory, STI, EPFL
- Mauro Marinoni, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Hai Li, University of Pittsburgh
- Jung Ho Ahn, Seoul National University
- Marcello Coppola, STMicroelectronics
- Stig Petersen, SINTEF
- Kees Goossens, Eindhoven University of Technology
- George Lima, Federal University of Bahia
- Philippe Coussy, Universit de Bretagne Sud / Lab-STICC
- Wilfried Steiner, TTTech Computertechnik AG
- Marcelo Gotz, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
- Manuel Oriol, ABB Corporate Research
- Pau Marti, Technical University of Catalonia
- Dominik Reinhardt, BMW AG
- Qi Zhu, University of California Riverside
- Automotive
- CPS Domains
- Design Automation Tools
- Testing
- Real-time Systems
- Concurrency and Timing
- Embedded Software
- Control
- Platforms
- Systems Engineering
- Energy
- Wireless Sensing and Actuation
- Real-Time Coordination
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
- Validation and Verification
- CPS Technologies
- Foundations
- 2015
- Symposium