Visible to the public NSV 2015

The 8th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification will be held April 13, 2015 in conjunction with Cyber-Physical Week 2015 Seattle, WA, USA

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Numerical computations are ubiquitous in digital systems: supervision, prediction, simulation and signal processing rely heavily on numerical calculus to achieve desired goals. Design and verification of numerical algorithms has a unique set of challenges, which set it apart from rest of software verification. To achieve the verification and validation of global properties, numerical techniques need to precisely represent local behaviors of each component. The implementation of numerical techniques on modern hardware adds another layer of approximation because of the use of finite representations of infinite precision numbers that usually lack basic arithmetic properties such as commutativity and associativity. Finally, the development and analysis of cyber-physical systems (CPS) which involve the interacting continuous and discrete components pose a further challenge. It is hence imperative to develop logical and mathematical techniques for the reasoning about programmability and reliability. The NSV workshop is dedicated to the development of such techniques.


The scope of the workshop includes, but is not restricted to, the following topics:

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of hybrid systems
Models and abstraction techniques
Optimal control of dynamical systems
Parameter identification for hybrid systems
Numerical optimization methods
Hybrid systems verification
Applications of hybrid systems to systems biology
Propagation of uncertainties, deterministic and probabilistic models
Specifications of correctness for numerical programs
Formal specification and verification of numerical programs
Quality of finite precision implementations
Numerical properties of control software
Validation for space, avionics, automotive and real-time applications
Validation for scientific computing programs

Event Details
Seattle, WA