Visible to the public GCM 2015

Sixth International Workshop on Graph Computation Models

Co-located with ICGT 2015
Part of STAF 2015

Background and Aims

Graphs are common mathematical structures which are visual and intuitive. They constitute a natural and seamless way for system modeling in science, engineering and beyond, including computer science, life sciences, business processes, etc. Graph computation models constitute a class of very high-level models where graphs are first-class citizens. They generalize classical computation models based on strings or trees, such as Chomsky grammars or term rewrite systems. Their mathematical foundation, in addition to their visual nature, facilitates specification, validation and analysis of complex systems. A variety of computation models have been developed using graphs and rule-based graph transformation. These models include features of programming languages and systems, paradigms for software development, concurrent calculi, local computations and distributed algorithms, and biological and chemical computations.

The aim of GCM 2015 is to bring together researchers interested in all aspects of computation models based on graphs and graph transformation techniques. The workshop promotes the cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas and experiences among researchers and students from the different communities interested in the foundations, applications, and implementations of graph computation models and related areas. Previous editions of the GCM series were held in Natal, Brazil (GCM 2006), in Leicester, UK (GCM 2008), in Enschede, The Netherlands (GCM 2010), in Bremen, Germany (GCM 2012) and in York, UK (GCM 2014).


GCM 2015 solicits papers on all aspects of graph computation models. This includes but is not limited to the following topics.


  • Models of graph transformation
  • Logics for graphs and graph transformation
  • Analysis and verification of graph transformation systems
  • Foundations of programming languages
  • Parallel, concurrent, and distributed graph transformation
  • Term graph rewriting
  • Formal graph languages


  • Visual programming
  • Design and implementation of graph-based languages
  • Model-driven engineering
  • Software architectures
  • Software validation
  • Graph-based security models
  • Workflow and business processes
  • Dynamic graph algorithms
  • Bioinformatics and computational chemistry
  • Case-studies

Programme Committee

  • Rachid Echahed Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France
  • Maribel Fernandez King's College London, United Kingdom
  • Annegret Habel Universitat Oldenburg, Germany
  • Dirk Janssens Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium
  • Barbara Konig Universitat Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • Hans-Jorg Kreowski Universitat Bremen, Germany
  • Mohamed Mosbah LaBRI, Universite de Bordeaux, France
  • Detlef Plump The University of York, United Kingdom (chair)


Event Details
L'Aquila, Italy