Visible to the public IoT and cloud convergence: Opportunities and challenges

TitleIoT and cloud convergence: Opportunities and challenges
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBiswas, A.R., Giaffreda, R.
Conference NameInternet of Things (WF-IoT), 2014 IEEE World Forum on
Date PublishedMarch
Keywordscloud computing, cloud convergence, cloud ecosystem, cognitive-IoT capabilities, convergence, data handling, Data storage systems, everything as a service model, Information management, Internet of Things, IoT centric cloud smart infrastructure, reliability

The success of the IoT world requires service provision attributed with ubiquity, reliability, high-performance, efficiency, and scalability. In order to accomplish this attribution, future business and research vision is to merge the Cloud Computing and IoT concepts, i.e., enable an "Everything as a Service" model: specifically, a Cloud ecosystem, encompassing novel functionality and cognitive-IoT capabilities, will be provided. Hence the paper will describe an innovative IoT centric Cloud smart infrastructure addressing individual IoT and Cloud Computing challenges.

Citation Key6803194