Visible to the public Privacy protection in cloud using identity based group signature

TitlePrivacy protection in cloud using identity based group signature
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKuzhalvaimozhi, S., Rao, G.R.
Conference NameApplications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT), 2014 Fifth International Conference on the
Date PublishedFeb
Keywordsauthentication, authorisation, cloud, cloud computing, Cloud Security, cloud services, cryptography, data privacy, digital signatures, Elliptic curve cryptography, group signature, identity based cryptosystem, identity based group signature, privacy, privacy problems, privacy protection, secure anonymous authentication method, security problems, user authentication

Cloud computing is one of the emerging computing technology where costs are directly proportional to usage and demand. The advantages of this technology are the reasons of security and privacy problems. The data belongs to the users are stored in some cloud servers which is not under their own control. So the cloud services are required to authenticate the user. In general, most of the cloud authentication algorithms do not provide anonymity of the users. The cloud provider can track the users easily. The privacy and authenticity are two critical issues of cloud security. In this paper, we propose a secure anonymous authentication method for cloud services using identity based group signature which allows the cloud users to prove that they have privilege to access the data without revealing their identities.

Citation Key6814670