Visible to the public Provably Secure Group Key Management Approach Based upon Hyper-Sphere

TitleProvably Secure Group Key Management Approach Based upon Hyper-Sphere
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsShaohua Tang, Lingling Xu, Niu Liu, Xinyi Huang, Jintai Ding, Zhiming Yang
JournalParallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Date PublishedDec
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, central point, Concrete, Educational institutions, Galois fields, GC, Group communication, group controller, hyper-sphere, hyper-sphere theory, Key Management, massive membership change, member private point, PRF, private key cryptography, Protocols, provable security, provably secure group key management approach, pseudo-random function (PRF), pseudorandom function assumption, public key cryptography, random number, re-keying messages, robust group key management approach, secure group communication systems, security, Vectors

Secure group communication systems have become increasingly important for many emerging network applications. An efficient and robust group key management approach is indispensable to a secure group communication system. Motivated by the theory of hyper-sphere, this paper presents a new group key management approach with a group controller (GC). In our new design, a hyper-sphere is constructed for a group and each member in the group corresponds to a point on the hyper-sphere, which is called the member's private point. The GC computes the central point of the hyper-sphere, intuitively, whose "distance" from each member's private point is identical. The central point is published such that each member can compute a common group key, using a function by taking each member's private point and the central point of the hyper-sphere as the input. This approach is provably secure under the pseudo-random function (PRF) assumption. Compared with other similar schemes, by both theoretical analysis and experiments, our scheme (1) has significantly reduced memory and computation load for each group member; (2) can efficiently deal with massive membership change with only two re-keying messages, i.e., the central point of the hyper-sphere and a random number; and (3) is efficient and very scalable for large-size groups.

Citation Key6714432