Visible to the public Verification of DNSsec Delegation Signatures

TitleVerification of DNSsec Delegation Signatures
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKammuller, F.
Conference NameTelecommunications (ICT), 2014 21st International Conference on
Date PublishedMay
Keywordsauthentication, chain of trust, cryptographic protocols, delegation signatures, DNSsec, DNSsec delegation signatures, DNSsec protocol, formal verification, inductive approach, inference mechanisms, interactive theorem prover, Internet, IP networks, Isabelle-HOL, Isabelle/HOL, model checking analysis, Protocols, Public key, security protocol verification, Servers, theorem proving

In this paper, we present a formal model for the verification of the DNSsec Protocol in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. Relying on the inductive approach to security protocol verification, this formal analysis provides a more expressive representation than the widely accepted model checking analysis. Our mechanized model allows to represent the protocol, all its possible traces and the attacker and his knowledge. The fine grained model allows to show origin authentication, and replay attack prevention. Most prominently, we succeed in expressing Delegation Signatures and proving their authenticity formally.

Citation Key6845127