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Misbahuddin, Mohammed, Harish, Rashmi, Ananya, K.  2022.  Identity of Things (IDoT): A Preliminary Report on Identity Management Solutions for IoT Devices. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1—9.
The Internet of Things poses some of the biggest security challenges in the present day. Companies, users and infrastructures are constantly under attack by malicious actors. Increasingly, attacks are being launched by hacking into one vulnerable device and hence disabling entire networks resulting in great loss. A strong identity management framework can help better protect these devices by issuing a unique identity and managing the same through its lifecycle. Identity of Things (IDoT) is a term that has been used to describe the importance of device identities in IoT networks. Since the traditional identity and access management (IAM) solutions are inadequate in managing identities for IoT, the Identity of Things (IDoT) is emerging as the solution for issuance of Identities to every type of device within the IoT IAM infrastructure. This paper presents the survey of recent research works proposed in the area of device identities and various commercial solutions offered by organizations specializing in IoT device security.
Wang, Jing, Wu, Fengheng, Zhang, Tingbo, Wu, Xiaohua.  2022.  DPP: Data Privacy-Preserving for Cloud Computing based on Homomorphic Encryption. 2022 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :29—32.
Cloud computing has been widely used because of its low price, high reliability, and generality of services. However, considering that cloud computing transactions between users and service providers are usually asynchronous, data privacy involving users and service providers may lead to a crisis of trust, which in turn hinders the expansion of cloud computing applications. In this paper, we propose DPP, a data privacy-preserving cloud computing scheme based on homomorphic encryption, which achieves correctness, compatibility, and security. DPP implements data privacy-preserving by introducing homomorphic encryption. To verify the security of DPP, we instantiate DPP based on the Paillier homomorphic encryption scheme and evaluate the performance. The experiment results show that the time-consuming of the key steps in the DPP scheme is reasonable and acceptable.
Tsuruta, Takuya, Araki, Shunsuke, Miyazaki, Takeru, Uehara, Satoshi, Kakizaki, Ken'ichi.  2022.  A Study on a DDH-Based Keyed Homomorphic Encryption Suitable to Machine Learning in the Cloud. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan. :167—168.
Homomorphic encryption is suitable for a machine learning in the cloud such as a privacy-preserving machine learning. However, ordinary homomorphic public key encryption has a problem that public key holders can generate ciphertexts and anyone can execute homomorphic operations. In this paper, we will propose a solution based on the Keyed Homomorphic-Public Key Encryption proposed by Emura et al.
Colombier, Brice, Drăgoi, Vlad-Florin, Cayrel, Pierre-Louis, Grosso, Vincent.  2022.  Profiled Side-Channel Attack on Cryptosystems Based on the Binary Syndrome Decoding Problem. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 17:3407–3420.
The NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography has been drawing the attention of researchers to the submitted candidates. One direction of research consists in implementing those candidates on embedded systems and that exposes them to physical attacks in return. The Classic McEliece cryptosystem, which is among the four finalists of round 3 in the Key Encapsulation Mechanism category, builds its security on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem, which is a classic hard problem in code-based cryptography. This cryptosystem was recently targeted by a laser fault injection attack leading to message recovery. Regrettably, the attack setting is very restrictive and it does not tolerate any error in the faulty syndrome. Moreover, it depends on the very strong attacker model of laser fault injection, and does not apply to optimised implementations of the algorithm that make optimal usage of the machine words capacity. In this article, we propose a to change the angle and perform a message-recovery attack that relies on side-channel information only. We improve on the previously published work in several key aspects. First, we show that side-channel information, obtained with power consumption analysis, is sufficient to obtain an integer syndrome, as required by the attack framework. This is done by leveraging classic machine learning techniques that recover the Hamming weight information very accurately. Second, we put forward a computationally-efficient method, based on a simple dot product and information-set decoding algorithms, to recover the message from the, possibly inaccurate, recovered integer syndrome. Finally, we present a masking countermeasure against the proposed attack.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Brian, Gianluca, Faonio, Antonio, Obremski, Maciej, Ribeiro, João, Simkin, Mark, Skórski, Maciej, Venturi, Daniele.  2022.  The Mother of All Leakages: How to Simulate Noisy Leakages via Bounded Leakage (Almost) for Free. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 68:8197–8227.
We show that the most common flavors of noisy leakage can be simulated in the information-theoretic setting using a single query of bounded leakage, up to a small statistical simulation error and a slight loss in the leakage parameter. The latter holds true in particular for one of the most used noisy-leakage models, where the noisiness is measured using the conditional average min-entropy (Naor and Segev, CRYPTO’09 and SICOMP’12). Our reductions between noisy and bounded leakage are achieved in two steps. First, we put forward a new leakage model (dubbed the dense leakage model) and prove that dense leakage can be simulated in the information-theoretic setting using a single query of bounded leakage, up to small statistical distance. Second, we show that the most common noisy-leakage models fall within the class of dense leakage, with good parameters. Third, we prove lower bounds on the amount of bounded leakage required for simulation with sub-constant error, showing that our reductions are nearly optimal. In particular, our results imply that useful general simulation of noisy leakage based on statistical distance and mutual information is impossible. We also provide a complete picture of the relationships between different noisy-leakage models. Our result finds applications to leakage-resilient cryptography, where we are often able to lift security in the presence of bounded leakage to security in the presence of noisy leakage, both in the information-theoretic and in the computational setting. Remarkably, this lifting procedure makes only black-box use of the underlying schemes. Additionally, we show how to use lower bounds in communication complexity to prove that bounded-collusion protocols (Kumar, Meka, and Sahai, FOCS’19) for certain functions do not only require long transcripts, but also necessarily need to reveal enough information about the inputs.
Conference Name: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Kuang, Randy, Perepechaenko, Maria.  2022.  Digital Signature Performance of a New Quantum Safe Multivariate Polynomial Public Key Algorithm. 2022 7th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS). :419—424.
We discuss the performance of a new quantumsafe multivariate digital signature scheme proposed recently, called the Multivariate Polynomial Public Key Digital Signature (MPPK DS) scheme. Leveraging MPPK KEM or key exchange mechanism, the MPPK DS scheme is established using modular exponentiation with a randomly chosen secret base from a prime field. The security of the MPPK DS algorithm largely benefits from a generalized safe prime associated with the said field and the Euler totient function. We can achieve NIST security levels I, III, and V over a 64-bit prime field, with relatively small public key sizes of 128 bytes, 192 bytes, and 256 bytes for security levels I, III, and V, respectively. The signature sizes are 80 bytes for level I, 120 bytes for level III, and 160 bytes for level V. The MPPK DS scheme offers probabilistic procedures for signing and verification. That is, for each given signing message, a signer can randomly pick a base integer to be used for modular exponentiation with a private key, and a verifier can verify the signature with the digital message, based on the verification relationship, using any randomly selected noise variables. The verification process can be repeated as many times as the verifier wishes for different noise values, however, for a true honest signature, the verification will always pass. This probabilistic feature largely restricts an adversary to perform spoofing attacks. In this paper, we conduct some performance analyses by implementing MPPK DS in Java. We compare its performance with benchmark performances of NIST PQC Round 3 finalists: Rainbow, Dilithium, and Falcon. Overall, the MPPK DS scheme demonstrates equivalent or better performance, and much smaller public key, as well as signature sizes, compared to the three NIST PQC Round 3 finalists.
Bhosale, Nilesh, Meshram, Akshaykumar, Pohane, Rupesh, Adak, Malabika, Bawane, Dnyaneshwar, Reddy, K. T. V..  2022.  Design of IsoQER Cryptosystem using IPDLP. 2022 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Medical Sciences (ICETEMS). :363—367.
The suggested IsoQuadratic Exponentiation Randomized isocryptosystem design is the unique approach for public key encipher algorithm using IsoPartial Discrete Logarithm Problem and preservation of the recommended IsoQuadratic Exponentiation Randomized isocryptosystem be established against hardness of IsoPartial Discrete Logarithm Problem. Therewith, we demonstrated the possibility of an additional secured algorithm. The offered unique IsoQuadratic Exponentiation Randomized isocryptosystem is suitable for low bandwidth transmission, low storage and low numeration in cyberspace.
Senthilnayaki, B., Venkatalakshami, K., Dharanyadevi, P., G, Nivetha, Devi, A..  2022.  An Efficient Medical Image Encryption Using Magic Square and PSO. 2022 International Conference on Smart Technologies and Systems for Next Generation Computing (ICSTSN). :1–5.
Encryption is essential for protecting sensitive data, especially images, against unauthorized access and exploitation. The goal of this work is to develop a more secure image encryption technique for image-based communication. The approach uses particle swarm optimization, chaotic map and magic square to offer an ideal encryption effect. This work introduces a novel encryption algorithm based on magic square. The image is first broken down into single-byte blocks, which are then replaced with the value of the magic square. The encrypted images are then utilized as particles and a starting assembly for the PSO optimization process. The correlation coefficient applied to neighboring pixels is used to define the ideal encrypted image as a fitness function. The results of the experiments reveal that the proposed approach can effectively encrypt images with various secret keys and has a decent encryption effect. As a result of the proposed work improves the public key method's security while simultaneously increasing memory economy.
Zavala, Álvaro, Maye, Leonel.  2022.  Application to manage digital certificates as a Certificate Authority (CA) according to the Digital Signature Law of El Salvador. 2022 IEEE 40th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN). :1–6.
Currently in El Salvador, efforts are being made to implement the digital signature and as part of this technology, a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is required, which must validate Certificate Authorities (CA). For a CA, it is necessary to implement the software that allows it to manage digital certificates and perform security procedures for the execution of cryptographic operations, such as encryption, digital signatures, and non-repudiation of electronic transactions. The present work makes a proposal for a digital certificate management system according to the Digital Signature Law of El Salvador and secure cryptography standards. Additionally, a security discussion is accomplished.
Román, Roberto, Arjona, Rosario, López-González, Paula, Baturone, Iluminada.  2022.  A Quantum-Resistant Face Template Protection Scheme using Kyber and Saber Public Key Encryption Algorithms. 2022 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG). :1–5.

Considered sensitive information by the ISO/IEC 24745, biometric data should be stored and used in a protected way. If not, privacy and security of end-users can be compromised. Also, the advent of quantum computers demands quantum-resistant solutions. This work proposes the use of Kyber and Saber public key encryption (PKE) algorithms together with homomorphic encryption (HE) in a face recognition system. Kyber and Saber, both based on lattice cryptography, were two finalists of the third round of NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. After the third round was completed, Kyber was selected as the PKE algorithm to be standardized. Experimental results show that recognition performance of the non-protected face recognition system is preserved with the protection, achieving smaller sizes of protected templates and keys, and shorter execution times than other HE schemes reported in literature that employ lattices. The parameter sets considered achieve security levels of 128, 192 and 256 bits.

ISSN: 1617-5468

Krishnamoorthy, R., Arun, S., Sujitha, N., Vijayalakshmi, K.M, Karthiga, S., Thiagarajan, R..  2022.  Proposal of HMAC based Protocol for Message Authenication in Kerberos Authentication Protocol. 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS). :1443–1447.
Kerberos protocol is a derivative type of server used for the authentication purpose. Kerberos is a network-based authentication protocol which communicates the tickets from one network to another in a secured manner. Kerberos protocol encrypts the messages and provides mutual authentication. Kerberos uses the symmetric cryptography which uses the public key to strengthen the data confidentiality. The KDS Key Distribution System gives the center of securing the messages. Kerberos has certain disadvantages as it provides public key at both ends. In this proposed approach, the Kerberos are secured by using the HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code which is used for the authentication of message for integrity and authentication purpose. It verifies the data by authentication, verifies the e-mail address and message integrity. The computer network and security are authenticated by verifying the user or client. These messages which are transmitted and delivered have to be integrated by authenticating it. Kerberos authentication is used for the verification of a host or user. Authentication is based on the tickets on credentials in a secured way. Kerberos gives faster authentication and uses the unique ticketing system. It supports the authentication delegation with faster efficiency. These encrypt the standard by encrypting the tickets to pass the information.
Jemin, V M, Kumar, A Senthil, Thirunavukkarasu, V, Kumar, D Ravi, Manikandan, R..  2022.  Dynamic Key Management based ACO Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks. 2022 6th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :194–197.
Ant Colony Optimization is applied to design a suitable and shortest route between the starting node point and the end node point in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). In general ant colony algorithm plays a good role in path planning process that can also applied in improving the network security. Therefore to protect the network from the malicious nodes an ACO based Dynamic Key Management (ACO-DKM) scheme is proposed. The routes are diagnosed through ACO method also the actual coverage distance and pheromone updating strategy is updated simultaneously that prevents the node from continuous monitoring. Simulation analysis gives the efficiency of the proposed scheme.
Keyaerts, Nathan, Gebremichael, Teklay, Gidlund, Mikael.  2022.  Proof-of-Concept of Network Key Management Using Lattice-Based Cryptography. 2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :979–984.
With the ever-increasing use of large-scale IoT networks in different sectors of the industry, it has become critical to realise seamless and secure communication between devices in the network. Realising secure group communication in the IoT requires solving the problem of group-key establishment. In this work, we solve the problem by designing a new lattice-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) for resource-constrained devices that enable the distribution of a symmetric key or any other data between all the devices in a given network. This is achieved by coupling multiple private keys to a unique public key. Moreover, we present a proof-of-concept implementation based on the GGH algorithm. The results show it is feasible to use lattice-based cryptography to allow for seamless and secure group communications within a decentralised IoT network. It has been bench-marked against other common post-quantum constructs and proven to be more practical with respect to memory consumption and security, although considerably slower due to lack of optimisation in the implementation.
Kester, David, Li, Tianyu, Erkin, Zekeriya.  2022.  PRIDE: A Privacy-Preserving Decentralised Key Management System. 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS). :1–6.
There is an increase in interest and necessity for an interoperable and efficient railway network across Europe, creating a key distribution problem between train and trackside entities’ key management centres (KMC). Train and trackside entities establish a secure session using symmetric keys (KMAC) loaded beforehand by their respective KMC using procedures that are not scalable and prone to operational mistakes. A single system would simplify the KMAC distribution between KMCs; nevertheless, it is difficult to place the responsibility for such a system for the whole European area within one central organization. A single system could also expose relationships between KMCs, revealing information, such as plans to use an alternative route or serve a new region, jeopardizing competitive advantage. This paper proposes a scalable and decentralised key management system that allows KMC to share cryptographic keys using transactions while keeping relationships anonymous. Using non-interactive proofs of knowledge and assigning each entity a private and public key, private key owners can issue valid transactions while all system actors can validate them. Our performance analysis shows that the proposed system is scalable when a proof of concept is implemented with settings close to the expected railway landscape in 2030.
Krishnan, Ashwin A, Rajendran, Satish Kumar, Sunil Kumar, T K.  2022.  Improved PKI Certificate Lifecycle Management With Centralized Device Management For Industrial IoT. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1–5.
The present industrial scenario requires frequent transfer of data between remote servers and on premise devices and hence the risk of attacks on these data cannot be overlooked. Such security risk is even aggravated in case of sensitive information being compromised due to inefficient security implementations. Various forms of security implementations are being discussed and experimented for the same. With the introduction of devices with better processing capabilities, Public Key Infrastructure is a very popular technique being widely implemented, wherein symmetric and asymmetric key based encryptions are used inorder to secure the data being transferred and it has proven to be an effective technique. The PKI however suffers certain drawbacks and it is evident from the attacks. A system specifically designed for scenarios such as a factory having a centralised device management system requiring multiple devices to communicate and upload data safely to server is being put forward in this paper.
Dreyer, Julian, Tönjes, Ralf, Aschenbruck, Nils.  2022.  Decentralizing loT Public- Key Storage using Distributed Ledger Technology. 2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :172–177.
The secure Internet of Things (loT) increasingly relies on digital cryptographic signatures which require a private signature and public verification key. By their intrinsic nature, public keys are meant to be accessible to any interested party willing to verify a given signature. Thus, the storing of such keys is of great concern, since an adversary shall not be able to tamper with the public keys, e.g., on a local filesystem. Commonly used public-key infrastructures (PKIs), which handle the key distribution and storage, are not feasible in most use-cases, due to their resource intensity and high complexity. Thus, the general storing of the public verification keys is of notable interest for low-resource loT networks. By using the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), this paper proposes a decentralized concept for storing public signature verification keys in a tamper-resistant, secure, and resilient manner. By combining lightweight public-key exchange protocols with the proposed approach, the storing of verification keys becomes scalable and especially suitable for low-resource loT devices. This paper provides a Proof-of-Concept implementation of the DLT public-key store by extending our previously proposed NFC-Key Exchange (NFC-KE) protocol with a decentralized Hyperledger Fabric public-key store. The provided performance analysis shows that by using the decentralized keystore, the NFC- KE protocol gains an increased tamper resistance and overall system resilience while also showing expected performance degradations with a low real-world impact.
ISSN: 2376-6506
Luo, Zhiyong, Wang, Bo.  2022.  A Secure and Efficient Analytical Encryption Method for Industrial Internet Identification based on SHA-256 and RSA. 2022 IEEE 6th Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC). 6:1874–1878.
With the development of Industrial Internet identification analysis, various encryption methods have been widely used in identification analysis to ensure the security of identification encoding and data. However, the past encryption methods failed to consider the problem of encryption efficiency in the case of high concurrency, so it will reduce the identification resolution efficiency and increase the computational pressure of secondary nodes when applying these methods to the identification analysis. In this paper, in order to improve the efficiency of identification analysis under the premise of ensuring information security, a safe and efficient analytical encryption method for industrial Internet identification based on Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-256), and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) is presented. Firstly, by replacing the secret key in the identification encoding encryption with the SHA-256 function, the number of secret keys is reduced, which is beneficial to improve the efficiency of identification analysis. Secondly, by replacing the large prime number of the RSA encryption algorithm with multiple small prime numbers, the generation speed of RSA key pair is improved, which is conducive to reduce the computation of secondary nodes. Finally, by assigning a unique RSA private key to the identification code during the identification registration phase, SHA-256 and RSA are associated, the number of key exchanges is reduced during the encryption process, which is conducive to improve the security of encryption. The experiment verifies that the proposed method can improve security of encryption and efficiency of identification analysis, by comparing the complexity of ciphertext cracking and the identification security analysis time between the traditional encryption method and this method.
Liang, Xiubo, Guo, Ningxiang, Hong, Chaoqun.  2022.  A Certificate Authority Scheme Based on Trust Ring for Consortium Nodes. 2022 International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HDIS). :90–94.
The access control mechanism of most consortium blockchain is implemented through traditional Certificate Authority scheme based on trust chain and centralized key management such as PKI/CA at present. However, the uneven power distribution of CA nodes may cause problems with leakage of certificate keys, illegal issuance of certificates, malicious rejection of certificates issuance, manipulation of issuance logs and metadata, it could compromise the security and dependability of consortium blockchain. Therefore, this paper design and implement a Certificate Authority scheme based on trust ring model that can not only enhance the reliability of consortium blockchain, but also ensure high performance. Combined public key, transformation matrix and elliptic curve cryptography are applied to the scheme to generate and store keys in a cluster of CA nodes dispersedly and securely for consortium nodes. It greatly reduced the possibility of malicious behavior and key leakage. To achieve the immutability of logs and metadata, the scheme also utilized public blockchain and smart contract technology to organize the whole procedure of certificate issuance, the issuance logs and metadata for certificate validation are stored in public blockchain. Experimental results showed that the scheme can surmount the disadvantages of the traditional scheme while maintaining sufficiently good performance, including issuance speed and storage efficiency of certificates.
Chen, Shengjian.  2022.  Trustworthy Internet Based on Generalized Blockchain. 2022 International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Information Security (ICBCTIS). :5–12.
It is the key to the Internet's expansion of social and economic functions by ensuring the credibility of online users' identities and behaviors while taking into account privacy protection. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and blockchain technology have provided ways to achieve credibility from different perspectives. Based on these two technologies, we attempt to generalize people's offline activities to online ones with our proposed model, Atom and Molecule. We then present the strict definition of trustworthy system and the trustworthy Internet. The definition of Generalized Blockchain and its practical implementation are provided as well.
Markelon, Sam A., True, John.  2022.  The DecCert PKI: A Solution to Decentralized Identity Attestation and Zooko’s Triangle. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS). :74–82.
We propose DecCert, a decentralized public key infrastructure designed as a smart contract that solves the problem of identity attestation on public blockchains. Our system allows an individual to bind an identity to a public blockchain address. Once a claim of identity is made by an individual, other users can choose to verify the attested identity based on the evidence presented by an identity claim maker by staking cryptocurrency in the DecCert smart contract. Increasing levels of trust are naturally built based upon the amount staked and the duration the collateral is staked for. This mechanism replaces the usual utilization of digital signatures in a traditional hierarchical certificate authority model or the web of trust model to form a publicly verifiable decentralized stake of trust model. We also present a novel solution to the certificate revocation problem and implement our solution on the Ethereum blockchain. Further, we show that our design solves Zooko’s triangle as defined for public key infrastructure deployments.
Palani, Lavanya, Pandey, Anoop Kumar, Rajendran, Balaji, Bindhumadhava, B S, Sudarsan, S D.  2022.  A Study of PKI Ecosystem in South Asian and Oceania Countries. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1–5.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) as a techno-policy ecosystem for establishing electronic trust has survived for several decades and evolved as the de-facto model for centralized trust in electronic transactions. In this paper, we study the PKI ecosystem that are prevailing in the South Asian and Oceanic countries and brief them. We also look at how PKI has coped up with the rapid technological changes and how policies have been realigned or formulated to strengthen the PKI ecosystem in these countries.
Patil, Vishwas T., Shyamasundar, R.K..  2022.  Evolving Role of PKI in Facilitating Trust. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1–7.
A digital certificate is by far the most widely used artifact to establish secure electronic communication over the Internet. It certifies to its user that the public key encapsulated in it is associated with the subject of the certificate. A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is responsible to create, store, distribute, and revoke digital certificates. To establish a secure communication channel two unfamiliar entities rely on a common certificate issuer (a part of PKI) that vouches for both entities' certificates - thus authenticating each other via public keys listed in each other's certificates. Therefore, PKIs act as a trusted third party for two previously unfamiliar entities. Certificates are static data structures, their revocation status must be checked before usage; this step inadvertently involves a PKI for every secure channel establishment - leading to privacy violations of relying parties. As PKIs act as trust anchors for their subjects, any inadvertent event or malfeasance in PKI setup breaches the trust relationship leading to identity theft. Alternative PKI trust models, like PGP and SPKI, have been proposed but with limited deployment. With several retrofitting amendments to the prevalent X.509 standard, the standard has been serving its core objective of entity authentication but with modern requirements of contextual authentication, it is falling short to accommodate the evolving requirements. With the advent of blockchain as a trust management protocol, the time has come to rethink flexible alternatives to PKI core functionality; keeping in mind the modern-day requirements of contextual authentication-cum-authorization, weighted trust anchors, privacy-preservation, usability, and cost-efficient key management. In this paper, we assess this technology's complementary role in modern-day evolving security requirements. We discuss the feasibility of re-engineering PKIs with the help of blockchains, and identity networks.
Khoury, David, Balian, Patrick, Kfoury, Elie.  2022.  Implementation of Blockchain Domain Control Verification (B-DCV). 2022 45th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). :17–22.
Security in the communication systems rely mainly on a trusted Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Authorities (CAs). Besides the lack of automation, the complexity and the cost of assigning a signed certificate to a device, several allegations against CAs have been discovered, which has created trust issues in adopting this standard model for secure systems. The automation of the servers certificate assignment was achieved by the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) method, but without confirming the trust of assigned certificate. This paper presents a complete tested and implemented solution to solve the trust of the Certificates provided to the servers by using the blockchain platform for certificate validation. The Blockchain network provides an immutable data store, holding the public keys of all domain names, while resolving the trust concerns by applying an automated Blockchain-based Domain Control Validation (B-DCV) for the server and client server verification. The evaluation was performed on the Ethereum Rinkeby testnet adopting the Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus algorithm which is an improved version of Proof of Stake (Po \$S\$) applied on Ethereum 2.0 providing superior performance compared to Ethereum 1.0.
Luo, Xinyi, Xu, Zhuo, Xue, Kaiping, Jiang, Qiantong, Li, Ruidong, Wei, David.  2022.  ScalaCert: Scalability-Oriented PKI with Redactable Consortium Blockchain Enabled "On-Cert" Certificate Revocation. 2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1236–1246.
As the voucher for identity, digital certificates and the public key infrastructure (PKI) system have always played a vital role to provide the authentication services. In recent years, with the increase in attacks on traditional centralized PKIs and the extensive deployment of blockchains, researchers have tried to establish blockchain-based secure decentralized PKIs and have made significant progress. Although blockchain enhances security, it brings new problems in scalability due to the inherent limitations of blockchain’s data structure and consensus mechanism, which become much severe for the massive access in the era of 5G and B5G. In this paper, we propose ScalaCert to mitigate the scalability problems of blockchain-based PKIs by utilizing redactable blockchain for "on-cert" revocation. Specifically, we utilize the redactable blockchain to record revocation information directly on the original certificate ("on-cert") and remove additional data structures such as CRL, significantly reducing storage overhead. Moreover, the combination of redactable and consortium blockchains brings a new kind of attack called deception of versions (DoV) attack. To defend against it, we design a random-block-node-check (RBNC) based freshness check mechanism. Security and performance analyses show that ScalaCert has sufficient security and effectively solves the scalability problem of the blockchain-based PKI system.
Yuan, Wenyong, Wei, Lixian, Li, Zhengge, Ki, Ruifeng, Yang, Xiaoyuan.  2022.  ID-based Data Integrity Auditing Scheme from RSA with Forward Security. 2022 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA). :192—197.

Cloud data integrity verification was an important means to ensure data security. We used public key infrastructure (PKI) to manage user keys in Traditional way, but there were problems of certificate verification and high cost of key management. In this paper, RSA signature was used to construct a new identity-based cloud audit protocol, which solved the previous problems caused by PKI and supported forward security, and reduced the loss caused by key exposure. Through security analysis, the design scheme could effectively resist forgery attack and support forward security.