ENSsys 2015
ENSsys 2015 - 3rd Int. Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems
in conjunction with ACM SenSys 2015
Complementing the topics of SenSys 2015, this workshop will bring researchers together to explore the challenges, issues and opportunities in the research, design, and engineering of energy-harvesting and energy-neutral sensing systems. These are an enabling technology for future applications in smart energy, transportation, environmental monitoring and smart cities. Innovative solutions in hardware for energy scavenging, adaptive algorithms, and power management policies are need to enable uninterrupted operation. High quality technical articles are solicited, describing advances in sensing systems powered by energy harvesting, as well as those which describe practical deployments and implementation experiences.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Power management concepts, algorithms and circuits for energy harvesting sensing systems
- Middleware support and services which support interoperability between zero-energy networks
- Resource management and operating system support for energy harvesting sensing systems
- Network-wide distributed energy management (e.g. routing, adaptive duty cycling etc)
- Online measurement of energy intake and consumption
- Predicting energy intake and consumption
- Ensuring reliable operation in energy harvesting sensor systems
- Modelling, simulation and tools for effective design of future energy harvesting sensing systems
- Architectures and standards for energy-neutral sensing systems
- Internet of (battery-less) things
- Experience with real-world deployments and innovative applications
Organising Committee
General Chair:
Geoff Merrett, Uni. Southampton, UK
Programme Chairs:
Christian Renner, Uni. Lubeck, Germany
Davide Brunelli, Uni. Trento, Italy
Publicity Chairs:
Dong Kun Noh, Soongsil University (Asia)
Alex Weddell, Uni. Southampton (Europe)
Brad Campbell, Uni. Michigan (USA)
Polly Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Winston Seah, Victoria Uni. Wellington, New Zealand
Guy Grebla, Columbia University, USA
Emanuael Popovici, University College Cork, Ireland
Tan Yen Kheng, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Brad Campbell, Uni. Michigan, USA
Vana Jelicic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Usman Raza, FBK Institute, Italy
Olivier Sentieys, University of Rennes, France
Dora Spenza, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Alessandro Vinco, Tyndall Institute, Ireland