Visible to the public Toward 21st Century Cyber-Physical Systems Education

October 2-3, 2014 | National Academy of Sciences | Washington, D.C.


0800 - 0900 Breakfast
0900 - 0930 Introduction and Welcome from Workshop Co-Chairs
Jack Stankovic (University of Virginia)
Jim Sturges (Lockheed Martin - retired)
0930 - 1000 Current and anticipated workforce needs
Scott Hareland (Medtronics)
1000 Break
1000 - 1100 Innovative Trends in Engineering Education
Norman Fortenberry (American Society for Engineering Education)
1100 - 1200 Incorporating CPS Knowledge into Existing Engineering Curricula - Civil Engineering
Douglas Adams (Vanderbilt University)
Jonathan How (MIT)

Moderator: George Pappas (UPenn)
1200 - 1400 Lunch / Breakout Sessions
  1. Envisioning an undergraduate degree program in CPS: What knowledge and course work would make up a CPS degree program? How much of this course work is new versus existing courses? What course work might be displaced by CPS-centric courses?
  2. Discipline-centric CPS knowledge: How will CPS be incorporated into existing disciplines, such as civil or aerospace engineering?
  3. Engineering- and CS- wide core knowledge: What core knowledge in CPS should be a part of all engineering and computer science curriculum? What course work might be displaced by CPS-centric course work?
1400 - 1415 Teaching Courses for CPS - How will courses taught for CPS differ from courses taught to a more general audience (i.e. classic control course verse control course for CPS)?
Andre DeHon (UPenn)

Moderator: Manuela Veloso (CMU)
1415 - 1515 Including CPS Core Knowledge Into General Engineering Education
Shankar Sastry (UC Berkeley) [remote]

Moderator: Jim Sturges (Lockheed Martin - retired)
1515 - 1630

CPS Outside/Beyond 4 Year Degree Programs

Introducing CPS in High School
Harry Cheng (UC Davis)

Online Education/MOOCS
Magnus Egerstedt (GA Tech)

Moderator: Bill Milam (Ford Motor Company)

1630 - 1730 Critical Knowledge: Lessons From Teaching a Course and Writing a Textbook
Edward A. Lee (UC Berkeley) [remote]

Moderator: Jack Stankovic (University of Virginia)
1730 - 1800 Reception (East Court)
0800 - 0830 Breakfast
0830 - 0915

Teaching for CPS (cont'd) - How will courses taught for CPS differ from courses taught to a more general audience (i.e. classic control course verse control course for CPS)?

Tarek Abdelzaher (UIUC)
Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University)

Moderator: Manuela Veloso (CMU)

0915 - 1015 Building Current and Future Faculty
  • How do we create the teaching and research capacity needed to support CPS education?
  • What are barriers to hiring faculty for CPS?
  • What other resources are needed to support CPS education?

Jerry Lynch (UMich)
Philip Koopman (CMU)
Christopher Gill (Washington University)

Moderator: Paulo Tabuada (UCLA)

1015 - 1030 Break
1030 - 1100 Breakout Group Report Back
1100 - 1230 Industry exposure, research projects, and project-based learning
  • How do we measure and document the value of extracurricular activities?
  • How to best incorporate project-based learning curriculum into degree programs?
  • What is the role of industry-academic partnerships, co-ops, and internships?

Dimitri Mavris (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Clas Jacobson, United TechnologiesCorporation)
Steve Anton (Tennessee Technological University)

Moderator: Chuck Farrar, Los Alamos Laboratories
1230 Wrap-up Discussion
Jack Stankovic (University of Virginia)
Jim Sturges (Lockheed Martin - retired)

Event Details
Washington D.C.