Special Issue on Sustainable High Performance Computing
Open Journal of Cloud Computing (http://www.ronpub.com/journals/ojcc)
=========================== Call for Papers ==========================================
Special Issue: "Sustainable High Performance Computing (SHPC-2015)"
Note: Publication fees will be waived for accepted papers submitted before September 10, 2015.
** AIMS:
Sustainable high performance computing put dependable and autonomic computing in context. Without self-healing, self-configuration and self-monitoring, a high performance computing application will not be able to complete in extreme scales. Without dependability, high performance computing applications are to suffer rapidly decreasing MTBF (mean time between failures) as we expand the size of computing clusters. Security is another dimension that mission critical high performance applications must take into account, or unintended consequences may cause irreparable harms.
While the above discussion made sense at the conceptual level, current research communities are narrowly divided into specific subareas. In fact, all these topics concern how to handle volatile resources in terms of programming, monitoring, configuration, load distribution/optimization and management. This Special Issue of OJCC aims to bring together contributions from all relevant areas for the benefit of sustainable high performance computing -- the non-lethal large scale typical distributed computing applications. Unlike traditional publications that favor successful novel technologies, this Special Issue of OJCC encourages submissions of credible in-depth stories that may be success or failure in dependable computing, autonomic computing, information security and sustainable high performance computing efforts. In fact, we can learn more from failures than successes. In particular, data intensive distributed computing efforts are highly encouraged since they are more difficult to secure, to practice dependability and be made autonomic-ally computable.
This Special Issue provides a platform for academic architecture researchers, industry practitioners and government agencies to exchange evolving distributed mission critical computing requirements, ideas and preliminary results. As computational services are to become integral parts of human societies, performance, dependability, sustainability and security of these services directly impact future social and economic prosperity. This Special Issue will be a checkpoint of dependable computing, autonomic computing and sustainable HPC efforts. The results may prove to be of fundamentally importance towards the building of 21st century software engineering principles.
This special issue welcomes regular research papers, short communications, reviews and visionary papers in the fields cloud and ubiquitous computing, including but not limited to the following topics:
- Theoretical foundation of programming volatile resources
- Theoretical architecture concepts for volatile resources
- Application scalability analysis using volatile resources
- Investigative reports on delivered performance for computation intensive and data intensive applications with failure
- Investigative results on delivered cloud performances for computation intensive and data intensive applications
- Theoretical models and experiences in non-conventional HPC programming paradigms
- Experiences in using auction-based HPC cloud resources
- Experiences in virtualized GPU for HPC applications
- Experiences in virtualized network for HPC applications
- Innovative failure prevention and recovery methods
- HPC security considerations using cloud resources
- Communication infrastructure virtualization experiences
- Private cloud implementation experiences
- Innovative cloud auction pricing models
- Justin Y. Shi, Temple University, USA
- Krishna Kant, Temple University, USA
- Kitrick Sheets, Cray Inc., USA
- Sen Chiao, San Jose State University, USA
- Gang Wang, Nankai-Baidu Joint Lab, Nankai University, China
- Xiaoguang Liu, Nankai University, China
- Joseph Jupin, Temple Univesity, USA
- Submission Deadline: 10 September, 2015
- Author Notification: 25 October, 2015
For detailed information on the preparation and submission of manuscripts, please visit Author Guidelines (http://www.ronpub.com/index.php/journals/ojcc/author-guidelines).
** PAPER SUBMISSION: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=shpc2015specialissue
OJCC Editorial Office
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Web: www.ronpub.com/journals/ojcc
Email: ojcc@ronpub.com