Visible to the public Cyber-Physical Energy Systems at IEEE Digital Ecosystems 2012

IEEE DEST 2012 (June 18-20 2012, Campione, ITALY) has a track on Cyber Physical Energy Systems:

Cyber-Physical Energy Systems address the merging of IT and energy infrastructures, with the aim of achieving more energy-efficient and sustainable lifestyles. The coordination of the various stakeholders involved in the future energy market raises many challenges, for example the data-intensive and complex event processing required. An example is provided by research driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use of new and renewable energy technologies, and provide a high-quality, comfortable, safe and efficient built environment. Such applied research aims to exploit the potential of information technology to boost energy efficiency and minimize our environmental footprint, while preserving or improving the quality of life for every individual in every nation.

We are looking for papers that address medium-scale/large-scale and medium-term/long-term challenges for cyber-physical energy systems, and indicate/demonstrate potential solutions.

Deadline for paper submission is March 15!

See you in Campione!

Best regards,

Peter Palensky


Principal Scientist
Energy Department

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Donau-City-Strasse 1 | 1220 Vienna | Austria
T +43 50550-6699 | M +43 664 2351904 | F +43(0) 50550-6613 |

Event Details
Campione, Italy