Visible to the public 3rd Summer School on Critical Embedded SystemsConflict Detection Enabled

he summer school on Critical Embedded Systems aims at presenting techniques, methodologies and tools for the engineering of critical embedded systems across its life-cycle, from early requirement elicitation up to certification. It is organized by the safety-Critical Embedded SystEms Chair -- CESEC.

The topic of the third session of the summer school will be the Cyber-Physical Systems. The summer school will provide students with scientific and technical sessions on hot topics in this domain, but also practical sessions to consolidate new know-how.

The sessions address different aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems in various industrial and research domains. The goal of the summer school is to present basic concepts and advanced techniques to develop Cyber-Physical Systems. Starting from basic elements (novel sensors, actuators, networks), we address the development process (standards, service, V&V), energy issues, reliability and safety aspects, distributed system architectures. All topics will be illustrated with industrial examples and research topics. International experts will be invited to give lectures on each topic.

The topics addressed by academic and industrial speakers are the following:

  • Quality of service, Safety and Security: fault tolerance, robust embedded architecture, dependable systems of system, performance.
  • Design and Implementation: basic principles of development processes for Cyber-Physical Systems and multi-domain synthesis.
  • Standardization and services: service platform for heterogeneous devices, industrial standards.
  • Embedded Network and Real-Time: distributed application, real-time executives and networks.
  • Formal Methods and verification: Formal specification languages for Cyber-Physical systems.

Demonstration sessions organized will complete the summer school, turning concepts into live and exciting moments.

Event Details
Toulouse, France