Visible to the public Call for Papers: Compiler Construction 2017Conflict Detection Enabled

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26th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2017)

Co-located with CGO, HPCA, PPoPP

Feb 5-6 2017 | Austin, TX, USA |

Important dates

  • Abstracts due: 01 November 2016
  • Papers due: 08 November 2016
  • Author notification: 23 December 2016
  • Camera ready versions: 05 January 2017
  • Conference: 05-06 February 2017


The International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC) is interested in work on processing programs in the most general sense:
analyzing, transforming or executing input that describes how a system operates, including traditional compiler construction as a special case.

Original contributions are solicited on the topics of interest which include, but are not limited to:

  • Compilation and interpretation techniques, including program representation, analysis, and transformation; code generation, optimization, synthesis and the verification thereof
  • Run-time techniques, including memory management, virtual machines, and dynamic and just-in-time compilation
  • Programming tools, including refactoring editors, checkers, verifiers, compilers, debuggers, and profilers
  • Techniques for specific domains, such as secure, parallel, distributed, embedded or mobile environments
  • Design and implementation of novel language constructs, programming models, and domain-specific languages

CC 2017 is the 26th edition of the conference. It will be co-located with CGO, HPCA, PPoPP on Feb 05-06 2017, in Austin, TX, USA.


Papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair at Papers must be written in English and be submitted in pdf in ACM SIGPLAN proceedings format (, using the default 9pt font size). The proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library and will be made available freely for the period around the conference.

Both regular papers (up to 11 pages) and tool papers (up to 2 3 pages), are invited. In tool papers the first part (2 pages) should describe the tool and the second (3 pages) explain the contents of the demo that will be presented with examples and screenshots.

Submissions must adhere strictly to the page limits, including bibliography, figures, or appendices. Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately. Additional material intended for reviewers but not for publication in the final version (listings, data, proofs) may be included in a clearly marked appendix. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not be submitted for publication elsewhere. A condition of submission is that, if the submission is accepted, one of the authors attends the conference to give the presentation.


General Chair
Peng Wu (Huawei)

Program Committee Chair
Sebastian Hack (Saarland University)

Program Committee
Jade Alglave (University College London, UK)
Nelson Amaral (University of Alberta, Canada)
Cedric Bastoul (Universite de Strasbourg, France)
Eva Darulova (MPI-SWS, Germany)
Bjoern Franke (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Cindy Rubio Gonzalez (UC Davis, USA)
David Gregg (Trinity College, Ireland)
Rajiv Gupta (UC Riverside, USA)
Philipp Haller (KTH, Sweden)
Paul Kelly (Imperial College, UK)
Christoph Kessler (Linkoping University, Sweden)
Sriram Krishnamoorthy (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)
Alan Mycroft (University of Cambridge, UK)
David Pichardie (ENS Rennes, France)
Francois Pottier (INRIA, France)
Sanjay Radjopadhye (Colorado State University, USA)
Fabrice Rastello (INRIA, France)
John Regehr (University of Utah, USA)
Andreas Rossberg (Google)
Bernhard Scholz (University of Sydney, Australia)
Helmut Seidl (TU Munchen, Germany)

Steering Committee
Koen De Bosschere (Ghent University)
Bjoern Franke (U. of Edinburgh)
Michael O'Boyle (U. of Edinburgh)
Albert Cohen (INRIA)
