CfP: SPIE Microtechnologies 2017 - Cyber Physical Sytems
SPIE 2017 conference on Cyber Physical Systems
May 8-10, 2017 | Barcelona, Spain |
PIE Microtechnologies is the European meeting where the latest progress in microtechnology and nanotechnology systems and applications are presented with a focus on development in the areas of smart sensors, cyber-physical systems, bioMEMs, medical devices, and integrated photonics.
The SPIE 2017 conference on Cyber Physical Systems (CPS'17), at its second edition, aims to take advantage of the always increasing hype on the Internet of Things (IoT) to cast a new light on CPSs. Progress on microtechnologies, enabling the design of possibly autonomous, miniaturised, sensors and actuators equipped devices allows to spread the adoption of CPSs in an ubiquitous way. This promotes an up-to-now unforecastable and exciting new scenario for CPSs. The attention, thus, will be focused on Cyber Physical Systems smart applications. In the near future social and environmental interactions will benefit deeply from CPSs. Taking advantage from research and development in technical areas such as networking, embedded computing, big data processing, energy-efficient system design, modeling and interoperability, among others, they will play a pivotal role as an enabling technology for a new industrial and agricultural revolution, in which more efficiency, less pollution, and a decreased human fingerprint impact on the environment will be fundamental. Moreover, by interacting with humans and their lives, CPS applications need to be designed to be efficient and effective, to maximize the quality-of-experience level, and providing the highest degrees of security and reliability.
Call for Papers
Important dates:
- Abstracts Due Deadline: 24 October 2016
- Acceptance Notification: 3 January 2017
- Manuscripts Due: 10 April 2017
Submissions must be performed as explained here:
Paper topics include but are not limited to:
- Robotics: personal assistants; self driving cars; healthcare/medical robots and bots; unmanned aerial vehicles; autonomous underwater vehicles; life support and attendance robots.
- Gaming: augmented reality; game design; cooperative games; vehicle simulators; educational games; cloud gaming
- Learning: cyber-valets; cyber-guides; smart museums; applications for smart tourism; learning environments; collaborative learning
- Smart Cities: applications for green cities; power grid consumption optimisation; autonomous and efficient plants and micro- plants; renewable energy; smart meters; self-aware/organising traffic control
- Civil Applications: smart home; ambient assisted living; smart/precision agriculture; smart environment; green solutions; zero impact enablers and solutions; green buildings; smart buildings; transportation; disaster relief
- Industrial Applications: industry 4.0; industrial automation; quality control; process optimisation and control; capillary actuation; flexible manufacturing; context awareness; production self-adaptation; enhanced risk management; safety; hazardous environments; explosive environments
- Logistics: Smart reusable transport items; mobile communication; self-organising mesh-networks; opportunistic clustering; environment sensing and monitoring; self and assisted localisation; navigation
- Human-to-Machine and Machine-to-Machine Interaction: human-computer interfaces; augmented reality; user interaction; interaction design; multimodal interaction; opportunistic interaction; user identification and rights management; usability; context driven/social interaction between systems; trustfulness and privacy between systems; quality of experience
- Data and Information Management: data mining; big data analysis; predictive algorithms and models for augmenting data informative content; structural health monitoring algorithms; reliability and lifetime prediction; semantic data models; flexible/ holistic data ontologies
- Networking: routing protocols and strategies; power and context aware networking; advanced MAC design and simulation; power efficient devices discovery algorithms; network management; self-deploying and self-healing networks
- Modeling and Simulation: system simulation; network simulation; power consumption estimation; system holistic modeling; behavioral modeling; computational. physical and/or human aspects of smart CPSs; tools for assessing/testing interoperability between systems
- Embedded Computing: real-time control of dynamic systems; safety and intrinsic safety of embedded systems from design up to testing; device privacy and trustfulness; reliability and energy efficiency of software and firmware at all levels; distributed systems synchronisation; over-the-air trusted firmware upgrading; device to device communication protocols; real time schedulers; low power oriented operating systems
- System Design: flexible system design; interoperability; standards adoption and compliancy; applications and markets; system security.
Conference Chair:
Riccardo Brama, CMC Labs. (Italy)
Conference Co-Chairs:
Alessandro Bertacchini, Univ. degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy);
Florian Hammer, Linz Ctr. of Mechatronics (Austria)
Programme Committee:
Lynne Baillie, Glasgow Caledonian Univ. (United Kingdom);
Steve P. Beeby, Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom);
Joao Canas Ferreira, Univ. do Porto (Portugal);
Christian Claudel, King Abdullah Univ. of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia);
Michail E. Kiziroglou, Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States);
Roberto Manione, (Italy);
Ian Marsh, Swedish Institute of Computer Science (Sweden);
Peter Marwedel, Technische Univ. Dortmund (Germany);
Sebastian Moller, Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany);
Marilyn C. Wolf, Georgia Institute of Technology (United States)