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Found 1750 results

Liang Zhao, Wen-Zhan Song.  2014.  A New Multi-objective Microgrid Restoration Via Semidefinite Programming. 33rd International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC).
Weichao Wang, Chuang Wang, Le Xie, WenZhan Song, Yi Pan.  2015.  Security Education for Smart Grid: Materials, Experiments, and Evaluation. Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE).
Song Tan, Song, WenZhan, Steve Yothment, Junjie Yang, Lang Tong.  2015.  ScorePlus: An Integrated Scalable Cyber-Physical Experiment Environment for Smart Grid. IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON).
Song Tan, Song, WenZhan, Michael Stewart, Lang Tong.  2015.  Construct Data Integrity Attacks Against Real-Time Electrical Market in Smart Grid. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm).
Song Tan, WenZhan Song, Steve Yothment, Junjie Yang, Lang Tong.  2016.  ScorePlus: A Software-Hardware Hybrid and Federated Experiment Environment for Smart Grid. ACM transaction on Embedded Computing Systems, Special issue on Emerging Embedded Software & Systems (ESS).
Song Tan, Debraj De, WenZhan Song, Junjie Yang, Sajal Das.  2017.  Survey of Security Advances in Smart Grid: A Data Driven Approach. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 18:397-422.
M. Contag, G. Li, A. Pawlowski, F. Domke, K. Levchenko, T. Holz, S. Savage.  2017.  How They Did It: An Analysis of Emission Defeat Devices in Modern Automobiles. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P). :231-250}month={May.
Agumbe Suresh, Mahima, Stoleru, Radu, Denton, Ron, Zechman, Emily, Shihada, Basem.  2012.  Towards Optimal Event Detection and Localization in Acyclic Flow Networks. Distributed Computing and Networking: 13th International Conference, ICDCN 2012, Hong Kong, China, January 3-6, 2012. Proceedings. :179–196.
M. A. Suresh, R. Stoleru, E. M. Zechman, B. Shihada.  2013.  On Event Detection and Localization in Acyclic Flow Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 43:708-723.
M. A. Suresh, L. Smith, A. Rasekh, R. Stoleru, M. K. Banks, B. Shihada.  2014.  Mobile Sensor Networks for Leak and Backflow Detection in Water Distribution Systems. 2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. :673-680.
M. Suresh, U. Manohary, A. G. Ry, R. Stoleru, M. K. M. Sy.  2014.  A cyber-physical system for continuous monitoring of Water Distribution Systems. 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). :570-577.
Venkatesh Saligrama, Yonggang Shi, William Clement Karl.  2004.  Performance guarantees in sensor networks. 2004 {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, {ICASSP} 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 17-21, 2004. :269–272.
Erhan Baki Ermis, Venkatesh Saligrama.  2005.  Adaptive statistical sampling methods for decentralized estimation and detection of localized phenomena. 2005 {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, {ICASSP} '05, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, March 18-23, 2005. :1045–1048.
Venkatesh Saligrama, David Starobinski.  2006.  On the macroscopic effects of local interactions in multi-hop wireless networks. 4th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad-Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2006), 3-6 April 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, {USA}. :161–168.
Venkatesh Saligrama, David A. Castañón.  2006.  Reliable Tracking With Intermittent Communications. 2006 {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, {ICASSP} 2006, Toulouse, France, May 14-19, 2006. :1141–1144.