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Heaslip, Kevin, Louisell, C, Collura, J.  2007.  Evaluating the impact of driver behavior on traffic flow and safety in freeway work zones. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH WORLD CONGRESS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS), HELD BEIJING, OCTOBER 2007.
Kevin Heaslip PhD, PE, John Collura PhD, PE.  2011.  Evaluation of work zone design features to aid older drivers. Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal. 81:36.
Heaslip, Kevin, Jones, Josh, Harpst, Tim, Bolling, Doyt.  2010.  Implementation of road safety audit recommendations: case study in Salt Lake City, Utah. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. :105–112.
Heaslip, Kevin, Kondyli, Alexandra, Arguea, Diego, Elefteriadou, Lily, Sullivan, Frank.  2009.  Estimation of freeway work zone capacity through simulation and field data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. :16–24.
Tiku, Saideep, Pasricha, Sudeep.  2017.  Energy-Efficient and Robust Middleware Prototyping for Smart Mobile Computing. IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP).
T.Luo, S.K.Das, H.Tan, L.Xia.  2016.  Incentive mechanism design for crowdsourcing: An all-pay auction approach. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST). 7:35.
F.Restuccia, S.K.Das, J.Payton.  2016.  Incentive mechanisms for participatory sensing: Survey and research challenges. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN). 12:13.