Threat-Assessment Tools for Management-Coupled Cyber-and Physical Infrastructure
Abstract: Wide-area management of terrestrial scale infrastructures often involves human operators, who are sandwiched between physical-world systems and cyber- assets. These Management Coupled Cyber- Physical Infrastructures (MCCPIs) are subject to diverse threats that can propagate across network elements. In this research effort, a layered network modeling paradigm for MCCPIs is developed, and threats to cyber, physical, and human assets are modeled at several resolutions. A tool suite is then developed for threat assessment and mitigation, with three network functions: Target, Feature, and Defend. Several activities to promote broader impact, including technology transfer to transportation scientists and student training on Internet-of-Things applications, are pursued.
Sandip Roy works as Professor and Associate Director in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State University. His research is primarily focused on developing techniques for the sparse control of dynamical networks, and using these techniques to support wide- area management of disruptions in large-scale cyber-physical infrastructure networks. Recently, he has also been interested in network analysis and design problems that arise in neurological and epidemiological processes. These research efforts have led to new models and algorithms, as well as software deployments, which are described in archival journal publications (about 60 in total) and conference articles (about 100 in total). Roy received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 1998, and Master's and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2000 and 2003, respectively.
Sajal K. Das is the Chair of Computer Science Department and the Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla. During 2008-2011, he served the NSF as a Program Director in CISE/ CNS. Prior to 2013 he was a University Distinguished Scholar Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and founding director of the Center for Research in Wireless Mobility and Networking (CReWMaN) at the University of Texas at Arlington. His current research interests include theory and practice of cyber-physical systems, wireless and sensor networks, mobile and pervasive computing, smart environments including smart healthcare and smart grid, distributed and cloud computing, big data analytics, Internet of Things, security and privacy, biological and social networks, applied graph theory and game theory. He has directed numerous funded projects in these areas totaling over $15M grant and published extensively with more than 600 papers in journals and conferences. He holds 5 US patents, coauthored 51 book chapters and four books titled Smart Environments: Technology, Protocols, and Applications (2005), Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure: Foundations and Challenges (2012), Mobile Agents in Distributed Computing and Networking (2012), and Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems (2016). His h-index is 73 with more than 21,500 citations according to Google Scholar. Dr. Das received 10 Best Paper Awards in such prestigious conferences as ACM MobiCom'99, IEEE PerCom'06 and IEEE SmrtGridComm'12. He is a recipient of numerous awards for research, teaching and mentoring including the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Achievement Award for pioneering contributions to sensor networks and mobile computing, Lockheed Martin Teaching Excellence Award, and Graduate Dean's Award of Excellence for mentoring doctoral students. He serves as the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal since 2005, and as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, and several others. He is a co- founder of the IEEE PerCom, IEEE WoWMoM, and ICDCN conferences, and served on numerous conference committees as General Chair, Program Chair, or Program Committee member. Dr. Das is an IEEE Fellow.
Yan Wan is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Texas at Arlington. Her research interests lie in developing fundamental theories and tools for the modeling, evaluation, and control tasks in large-scale dynamic networks and cyber-physical systems, with applications to air traffic management, airborne networking, systems biology, and complex information systems. Her research projects funded by NSF, NIST, IEEE, and MITRE have led to over 110 publications and successful technology transfer outcomes. Her contributions to the field of air traffic management, airborne networking, and general cyber-physical systems have been recognized by several prestigious awards, including the NSF CAREER Award, RTCA William E. Jackson Award, U.S. Ignite and GENI demonstration awards, IEEE WCNC Best Paper Award, and Tech Titan of the Future - University Level Award. Dr. Wan is a member of the AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee.
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