Technology Transfer To Practice (SATC TTP)
Alec Yasinsac is Professor and Dean of the School of Computing at the University of South Alabama. He joined the School of Computing in July 2008 after spending nine years on the faculty at Florida State University which followed a twenty year career in the United States Marines as a Data Systems and Communications Officer. He is also Co-founder of SAIT Laboratory and has operational experience in software development, information systems management, network engineering, and information security, having spent active duty tours in Japan, Korea, North Carolina, California, and Virginia. Alec received his doctoral degree in Computer Science from the University of Virginia, where his thesis advisor and mentor was Bill Wulf. His major research interests are network and wireless security, electronic voting security, secure software, cryptography, intrusion detection, computing forensics, and security protocols. He has published over fifty refereed conference, symposium, and journal papers since joining FSU. He is presently funded by the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, the Army Research Office, the Florida Department of State, and several industrial partners. He has directed two doctoral theses, fifteen master's theses, and three undergraduate student theses. He has taught nearly a hundred college courses in mathematics, computer science, and information security. Born and raised in the mountains of North Carolina, Alec attended Appalachian State University for his undergraduate education, where he received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. He then earned a Master's of Science degree in Computer Science from the Naval Postgraduate School while on active duty in the Marines. Alec a senior member of IEEE, a member of ACM, U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society. With research interests in electronic voting systems, Alec sat on the Florida Help America Vote Act Planning Committee and was on the Advisory Board for the 2007 National Academy of Engineering 2007 National Meeting Symposium On Electronic Voting. He led the first academic source code review in support of an election audit for the 2006 Florida United States Congressional District 13 race and led several other electronic voting security code reviews and systems security analysis for the Florida Department of State. He routinely contributes to national meetings and panels that address voting system security issues. The URL for his web page is
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