Visible to the public Automated Mining of Software Component Interactions for Self-AdaptationConflict Detection Enabled

TitleAutomated Mining of Software Component Interactions for Self-Adaptation
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsEric Yuan, Naeem Esfahani, Sam Malek
Conference NameSEAMS 2014 Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems
Date Published06/2014
PublisherACM New York, NY, USA ©2014
Conference LocationHyderabad, India
KeywordsCMU, Component-Based Software, data mining, July'14, Science of Secure Frameworks, Secure Composition of Systems and Policies, self-adaptation

A self-adaptive software system should be able to monitor and analyze its runtime behavior and make adaptation decisions accordingly to meet certain desirable objectives. Traditional software adaptation techniques and recent "models@runtime" approaches usually require an a priori model for a system's dynamic behavior. Oftentimes the model is difficult to define and labor-intensive to maintain, and tends to get out of date due to adaptation and architecture decay. We propose an alternative approach that does not require defining the system's behavior model beforehand, but instead involves mining software component interactions from system execution traces to build a probabilistic usage model, which is in turn used to analyze, plan, and execute adaptations. Our preliminary evaluation of the approach against an Emergency Deployment System shows that the associations mining model can be used to effectively address a variety of adaptation needs, including (1) safely applying dynamic changes to a running software system without creating inconsistencies, (2) identifying potentially malicious (abnormal) behavior for self-protection, and (3) our ongoing research on improving deployment of software components in a distributed setting for performance self-optimization.

Citation Keynode-30123