Visible to the public Phishing - the threat that still exists

TitlePhishing - the threat that still exists
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsNirmal, K., Janet, B., Kumar, R.
Conference Name2015 International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT)
ISBN Number978-1-4799-7623-2
Keywordsantiphishing systems, authorisation, Browsers, Computer crime, Computer Fraud, Computer hacking, cyber security, Electronic mail, Google, online security attack, online security threat, Password theft, phishing, phishing attack, pubcrawl170109, Radiation detectors, sensitive information harvesting, statistical analysis, Uniform resource locators

Phishing is an online security attack in which the hacker aims in harvesting sensitive information like passwords, credit card information etc. from the users by making them to believe what they see is what it is. This threat has been into existence for a decade and there has been continuous developments in counter attacking this threat. However, statistical study reveals how phishing is still a big threat to today's world as the online era booms. In this paper, we look into the art of phishing and have made a practical analysis on how the state of the art anti-phishing systems fail to prevent Phishing. With the loop-holes identified in the state-of-the-art systems, we move ahead paving the roadmap for the kind of system that will counter attack this online security threat more effectively.

Citation Keynirmal_phishing_2015