Visible to the public Facial expression preserving privacy protection using image melding

TitleFacial expression preserving privacy protection using image melding
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsNakashima, Y., Koyama, T., Yokoya, N., Babaguchi, N.
Conference Name2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
KeywordsAvatars, data protection, face recognition, Facebook, facial expression, facial expression preserving privacy protection, Facial features, facial regions, image context, image melding-based method, image quality degradation, image recognition, privacy, pubcrawl170113, social networking services, Target recognition, Visual privacy protection, visualization

An enormous number of images are currently shared through social networking services such as Facebook. These images usually contain appearance of people and may violate the people's privacy if they are published without permission from each person. To remedy this privacy concern, visual privacy protection, such as blurring, is applied to facial regions of people without permission. However, in addition to image quality degradation, this may spoil the context of the image: If some people are filtered while the others are not, missing facial expression makes comprehension of the image difficult. This paper proposes an image melding-based method that modifies facial regions in a visually unintrusive way with preserving facial expression. Our experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method can retain facial expression while protecting privacy.

Citation Keynakashima_facial_2015