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Call for Demonstrations

29th ACM SIGDA University Demonstration @ DAC 2017

Austin Convention Center | Austin, Tx, June 18, 2017

Following last year's trend, University Demonstration (previously University Booth) comes back to Austin this year with DAC. This year marks the 29th University Demonstration at the Design Automation Conference. UD is an opportunity for university researchers to display their results and to interact with participants at DAC. Presenters and attendees at DAC are especially encouraged to participate, but participation is open to all members of the university community. The demonstrations include new EDA tools, EDA tool applications, design projects, and instructional materials.

* The University Demonstration will be held together with Ph.D. forum for 2 hours.

* Submission is made online at Please upload a single PDF file with the title, list of authors and their affiliations, abstract (less than a page), and YouTube link to a 5-minute online video presentation about your demo. You may optionally attach a supporting paper.

* Live demonstrations should be performed by university researchers with a poster presentation. Participants will be provided with a modest travel grant reimbursement.

Video demonstrations should include a brief title sequence identifying the name of the research group and university, the team members, and stating "SIGDA University Demonstration at DAC 2017". Otherwise, there is complete freedom in how a group wishes to present their work. For further details and videos from previous years please visit the ACM SIGDA University Booth site (

Booth Coordinators

Chair: Sudeep Pasricha (Colorado State University,,

Vice chair: Qi Zhu (UC Riverside,,

Publicity chair: Anup Das (IMEC,