Visible to the public USDOT to Host Webinar on Providing Emerging ITS Data to the PublicConflict Detection Enabled

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Providing Emerging ITS Data to the Public

The U.S. Department of Transportation will be hosting a free webinar which will inform the public on available current and future ITS data. Further details on this webinar can be found below, including information on how to register. In addition, you can also find more details on how to engage with the USDOT on how ITS data is made available.

We encourage you to share this with any colleagues you feel may be interested in participating in this webinar, and please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or would like any additional information. We hope to see you online!

U.S. Department of Transportation Offers Webinar on Providing Emerging Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Data to the Public

Title: Providing Emerging ITS Data to the Public
Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET

The USDOT is pleased to host a free public webinar on publicly available current and future ITS data.

Offered by the ITS Joint Program Office (JPO), the webinar will describe data sets from the Connected Vehicle Pilots, Smart Columbus, and other USDOT-funded projects, and facilitate discussion of potential uses for these data.

Ariel Gold of the ITS JPO will set the stage by sharing the ITS JPO's mission to provide quality ITS data to promote research, software development, ITS deployment, and innovation. Michael Pack of the University of Maryland's Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) Lab will discuss current and future data sets along with examples of data types, fields, and potential uses.

This webinar will set the stage for deeper discussion on how the ITS JPO will make these data available in the future.

People interested in engaging with the USDOT on how ITS data is made available can sign up to get more involved at:

To learn more about the ITS JPO, visit: