Visible to the public Synchronize ClocksConflict Detection Enabled

If you already have chrony installed, this page tells exactly what to do to synchronize clocks.

  1. login to rtd4.local and set its time to be (approximately) globally correct
  2. login to rtd2.local and ironwood to set their times to be (approximately) globally correct
  3. Monitor the log to make sure the times synchronize

login to rtd4.local

ssh rtd4@rtd4.local

set the date to be approximately correct (YMMV on the time/date.) Use your watch or phone for reasons to become clear later.

sudo date -s "Sat Apr 22 19:14:33 MST 2017"

restart the chrony daemon (you will probably enter your password 2 times here)

sudo service chrony restart

Over time, everything will converge now. But we don't always have time, so...

login to rtd2.local (and repeat for ironwood.local and your laptop). First check the date (and compare to your watch)


If this matches closely to your watch (within 5 minutes or so), you can just monitor the process. Otherwise use your watch again:

sudo date -s "Sat Apr 22 19:14:33 MST 2017"

Monitor the log like so:

tail -f /var/log/chrony/measurements.log