Visible to the public Submit your material

Please visit one of the below pages to upload material. Note that if you are uploading a file, you do not also need to upload a link to a similar resource for the same course.

Course organization and materials

These kinds of uploads are relevant to a specific course in CPS. We understand (and expect) that many CPS-related courses uploaded here may be part of other tracks (e.g., a course in modeling is useful outside of CPS). It is certainly appropriate to include the course, if you believe that its structure or materials can be useful to other CPS researchers who may want to include portions of this course in their CPS-related courses.

  • Submit course syllabus - These artifacts should help users understand how a CPS course is organized, and will necessarily have information about prerequisites, length of the term, etc. as part of the artifact. The course syllabus is a single document that describes what your course did. This is an easy way for you to let others know that you offered this kind of course.
  • Submit course materials - These artifacts should be lecture notes, homework problems, slides for presentaton, and may be organized as an entire semester, or perhaps, a module that represents only a portion of the materials covered in a course. These materials may be applied by other CPS-VO users in the courses at their institutions.

Major/Course of study

These artifacts will help other institutions plan or organize their own approaches to CPS education.

  • Submit course of study description - These artifacts should describe a major in CPS, or a concentration in CPS. For example, it might be a collection of courses that when completed provide a certificate to the student, or it could be the course options required in order for CPS to be the area of focus for a graduate degree.

What happens next?

After you've submitted your form, it is mailed to the CPS-VO Education Group Moderator. The moderator will take your form and add it to the Existing Resources page the next time they log in. If it has been a few days and your form is still not uploaded, please contact