Visible to the public Effectiveness of Reverse Edges and Uncertainty in PIN-TRUST for Trust Prediction

TitleEffectiveness of Reverse Edges and Uncertainty in PIN-TRUST for Trust Prediction
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsJang, Min-Hee, Kim, Sang-Wook, Ha, Jiwoon
Conference NameProceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Emerging Databases: Technologies, Applications, and Theory
Date PublishedOctober 2016
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4754-9
KeywordsComputing Theory, graph mining, Human Behavior, human trust, PIN-TRUST, pubcrawl, Trust, trust prediction

Recently, PIN-TRUST, a method to predict future trust relationships between users is proposed. PIN-TRUST out-performs existing trust prediction methods by exploiting all types of interactions between users and the reciprocation of ones. In this paper, we validate whether its consideration on the reciprocation of interactions is really effective in trust prediction. Furthermore, we consider a new concept, the "uncertainty" of untrustworthy users that is devised to reflect the difficulty on modeling the activities of untrustworthy users in PIN-TRUST. Then, we also validate the effectiveness this uncertainty concepts. Through the validation, we reveal that the consideration of the reciprocation of interactions is effective for trust prediction with PIN-TRUST, and it is necessary to regard the uncertainty of untrustworthy users same as that of other users.

Citation Keyjang_effectiveness_2016