Visible to the public A Moving Target Defense Approach to Disrupting Stealthy Botnets

TitleA Moving Target Defense Approach to Disrupting Stealthy Botnets
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsVenkatesan, Sridhar, Albanese, Massimiliano, Cybenko, George, Jajodia, Sushil
Conference NameProceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4570-5
Keywordsbotnets, detector placement, Metrics, moving target defense, moving target defenses, pubcrawl, resilience, Scalability

Botnets are increasingly being used for exfiltrating sensitive data from mission-critical systems. Research has shown that botnets have become extremely sophisticated and can operate in stealth mode by minimizing their host and network footprint. In order to defeat exfiltration by modern botnets, we propose a moving target defense approach for dynamically deploying detectors across a network. Specifically, we propose several strategies based on centrality measures to periodically change the placement of detectors. Our objective is to increase the attacker's effort and likelihood of detection by creating uncertainty about the location of detectors and forcing botmasters to perform additional actions in an attempt to create detector-free paths through the network. We present metrics to evaluate the proposed strategies and an algorithm to compute a lower bound on the detection probability. We validate our approach through simulations, and results confirm that the proposed solution effectively reduces the likelihood of successful exfiltration campaigns.

Citation Keyvenkatesan_moving_2016