Visible to the public A Taxonomy and Qualitative Comparison of Program Analysis Techniques for Security Assessment of Android SoftwareConflict Detection Enabled

TitleA Taxonomy and Qualitative Comparison of Program Analysis Techniques for Security Assessment of Android Software
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAlireza Sadeghi, Hamid Bagheri, Joshua Garcia, Sam Malek
JournalIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Start Page492
Date Published06/2017
KeywordsAugust'17, CMU, Scalability and Composability, Science of Secure Frameworks

In parallel with the meteoric rise of mobile software, we are witnessing an alarming escalation in the number and sophistication of the security threats targeted at mobile platforms, particularly Android, as the dominant platform. While existing research has made significant progress towards detection and mitigation of Android security, gaps and challenges remain. This paper contributes a comprehensive taxonomy to classify and characterize the state-of-the-art research in this area. We have carefully followed the systematic literature review process, and analyzed the results of more than 300 research papers, resulting in the most comprehensive and elaborate investigation of the literature in this area of research. The systematic analysis of the research literature has revealed patterns, trends, and gaps in the existing literature, and underlined key challenges and opportunities that will shape the focus of future research efforts.

Citation Keynode-36405
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