Visible to the public Participant Authenticating, Error Detecting, and 100% Multiple Errors Repairing Chang-Chen-Wang's Secret Sharing Method Enhancement

TitleParticipant Authenticating, Error Detecting, and 100% Multiple Errors Repairing Chang-Chen-Wang's Secret Sharing Method Enhancement
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsChefranov, Alexander G., Narimani, Amir
Conference NameProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4764-8
Keywordsauthentication, composability, cover image, error detection, Metrics, privacy, pubcrawl, repairing, secret image, secret sharing, steganography, steganography detection

Chang-Chen-Wang's (3,n) Secret grayscale image Sharing between n grayscale cover images method with participant Authentication and damaged pixels Repairing (SSAR) properties is analyzed; it restores the secret image from any three of the cover images used. We show that SSAR may fail, is not able fake participant recognizing, and has limited by 62.5% repairing ability. We propose SSAR (4,n) enhancement, SSAR-E, allowing 100% exact restoration of a corrupted pixel using any four of n covers, and recognizing a fake participant with the help of cryptographic hash functions with 5-bit values that allows better (vs. 4 bits) error detection. Using a special permutation with only one loop including all the secret image pixels, SSAR-E is able restoring all the secret image damaged pixels having just one correct pixel left. SSAR-E allows restoring the secret image to authorized parties only contrary to SSAR. The performance and size of cover images for SSAR-E are the same as for SSAR.

Citation Keychefranov_participant_2016