Visible to the public EAGER: Understanding Cybersecurity Needs and Gaps at the Local LevelConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Lead PI

Performance Period

Sep 01, 2015 - Feb 28, 2018


University of Texas at El Paso

Award Number

Outcomes Report URL

This project investigates the degree to which businesses at a local level are dependent on computers and the Internet for daily operations. Of those that are, the project investigates the degree to which they implement good or bad cybersecurity practices with an particular emphasis on very small businesses. Understanding their needs helps fill a knowledge gap within the cybersecurity industry and has local as well as national security and economic implications. In particular, knowledge gained will help identify cybersecurity gaps and needs, raise awareness of these gaps and needs, and make progress toward solving problems faced by existing and emerging threats. This in turn will help improve the national situation "from the ground up" by helping to make such establishments more secure in an era where they are increasingly being targeted by malicious actors who see this business demographic as a prime target for exploitation.

The project conducts interviews with key stakeholders and implements a survey of local businesses in El Paso County (Texas) to collect a mix of quantitative and qualitative data on relevant cybersecurity issues. Both technical and human factors related to cybersecurity are be addressed. The methodology for this project is designed to be applicable in other geographical areas (i.e. cities and counties) within the U.S. which allows for a comparison of results providing a perspective on the state of cybersecurity at different levels. Because the small business community is particularly difficult to contact, best practices are also identified for eliciting participation of business owners. To ensure adequate representation of this demographic, the survey is implemented using a mixed mode data collection methodology utilizing paper, telephone, web, and tablet computer based surveys (tablets are utilized for on-site contact of business owners). While cybersecurity is typically regarded as a national or state level issue, this project seeks to demonstrate that this is not necessarily the case. Establishing a secure and trustworthy cyberspace nationally will benefit by focusing on issues faced by local businesses and finding ways to address their needs.