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SaTC: CORE: Small: Cybersecurity Big Data Research for Hacker Communities: A Topic and Language Modeling Approach Hsinchun Chen It is estimated that cybercrime costs the global economy around $445 billion annually, particularly due to intellectual property theft and financial fraud using stolen consumer data. Incidents of large-scale hacking and data theft occur regularly, with... Small, Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS), CORE Jul 6 2020 - 4:07pm
CAREER: Enhancing Mobile Authentication by Measuring the Authentication Life-Cycle Adam Aviv This CAREER research focuses on human factors in authentication using mobile devices. Mobile authentication is a crucial component of authentication, especially as mobile devices become ever more connected to the broader security ecosystem. A major... CAREER, Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) Aug 26 2019 - 2:58pm
SaTc: EDU: Collaborative: An Assessment Driven Approach to Self-Directed Learning in Secure Programming (SecTutor) Matt Bishop The field of software development needs developers to write secure code, as well as to continuously respond to evolving threats and adapt system designs to meet new security needs. This requires developers to gain a deep understanding of foundational... Collaborative, Division of Graduate Education (DGE), EDU Aug 13 2019 - 12:16pm
SaTC: CORE: Medium: Collaborative: Taming Memory Corruption with Security Monitors Manuel Egele Modern computing systems are under constant attack by organized crime syndicates, nation-state adversaries, and regular cyber-criminals alike. Among the most damaging attacks are those that exploit so-called memory corruption vulnerabilities which often... Medium, Collaborative, Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS), CORE Aug 7 2019 - 1:59pm
CAREER: Towards Elastic Security with Safe and Efficient Network Security Function Virtualization Hongxin Hu Traditional network security functions are generally implemented on vendor proprietary appliances or middleboxes, which usually lack a general programming interface, and their versatility and flexibility are also very poor. These traditional network... CAREER, Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) Mar 18 2019 - 3:45pm
CAREER: Trustworthy Machine Learning from Untrusted Models Ting Wang Many of today's machine learning (ML)-based systems are not built from scratch, but are "composed" from an array of pre-trained, third-party models. Paralleling other forms of software reuse, reusing models can both speed up and simplify the development... CAREER, Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) Mar 18 2019 - 3:24pm
CT-ISG: An Architecture and Policies for Secure Network-facing Applications Samuel King The near ubiquity of Internet access has put a wealth of information and ever-increasing opportunities for social interaction at the fingertips of users. Driving this revolution is the modern web browser, which has evolved from a relatively simple client... Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS), ISG Feb 22 2019 - 3:31pm
CT-T: Proactive Techniques for Preserving System Integrity: A Basis for Robust Defense Against Malware Ramasubramanian Sekar Cyber threats have escalated rapidly over the past decade. "Zero-day attacks" have become significant, delivered increasingly through seemingly innocuous means such as web pages, images, and documents. Malware is rampant, being installed surreptitiously... Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) Feb 22 2019 - 3:29pm
CT-ISG: Usable Cyber Trust Indicators Lorrie Cranor When systems rely on a "human in the loop" to carry out a security-critical function, cyber trust indicators are often employed to communicate when and how to perform that function. Indicators typically serve as warnings or status indicators that... Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS), ISG Feb 22 2019 - 3:27pm
CT-ISG: SPEAR: Space Encryption based Query Processing for Privacy-Aware Location-based Services Wei-Shinn Ku As a result of recent wireless technology advances, mobile devices with significant computational abilities, gigabytes of storage capacities, and wireless communication capabilities have increasingly become popular. In addition, positioning techniques... Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS), ISG Feb 22 2019 - 3:26pm
TWC: Small: Collaborative: Toward Trusted Third-Party Microprocessor Cores: A Proof Carrying Code Approach Yier Jin Third-party hardware Intellectual Property (IP), written as code in a Hardware Description Language (HDL), is extensively used in modern integrated circuits. Contemporary electronics typically include 75% of third party hardware IP and only 25% in-house... Hardware, Research Infrastructure, Small, Transition to Practice, Deter, Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS), Protect, TWC Feb 14 2019 - 3:09pm