Visible to the public Workshop on Formal Methods for Security (November 2015)Conflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Lead PI

Performance Period

Aug 15, 2015 - Jan 31, 2017


Harvard University

Award Number

Outcomes Report URL

This aim of this workshop is to identify existing successes and opportunities for applying formal methods to security problems, and raise awareness of these opportunities in relevant communities, including academia, industry, and government research labs. The workshop will bring together researchers from academia, industry, and government research labs that are working in the areas of security and formal methods, and researchers currently applying formal methods to security problems. Workshop participants will identify current and forthcoming computer security challenges, and identify opportunities to apply formal methods to meet these challenges. The main deliverable of the workshop will be a report summarizing the discussions and findings of the workshop, which will be publicly available.

By enabling leading researchers to engage with security problems using a richer palette of formal methods, the workshop will promote more robust security across a wide range of socially central types of system. It should stimulate development of better ways to design and implement future secure systems; better ways to determine whether existing systems are vulnerable; and better ways to assess the consequences of existing vulnerabilities. The workshop will also enrich the experience of graduate students who can participate and also assist by taking notes and providing materials for the report. Early career researchers such as post-docs will also be included.