Visible to the public EDU: Collaborative: Bolstering Security Education through Transiting Research on Browser SecurityConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Lead PI

Performance Period

Sep 15, 2013 - Aug 31, 2016


North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University

Award Number

Outcomes Report URL

The Web browser is one of the most frequently used application by most people to perform common tasks such as shopping, social networking, emailing, banking, finding directions, and research on the Internet. Security threats and attacks targeting browsers or browser-based applications are becoming sophisticated as attackers are constantly developing innovative ways to exploit vulnerabilities of browsers and browser-based applications. Researchers, though, are making positive progress in mitigating risks from browsers to defend enterprise systems and consumer devices. Therefore, it is imperative to bring research results on browser security into education and integrate them into the existing IA curricula. This project aims to (1) use typical topics in browser security as the basis for transferable teaching objects containing lecture slides, lecture videos, hands-on labs, quizzes, interactive visualization tools, and case studies for adoption in many education settings; (2) integrate the developed teaching objects in browser security into the existing curricula in three participating institutes: Syracuse University, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; and (3) conduct faculty development workshops to disseminate the teaching objects and build partnerships among institutions. The broader impacts of this project include strengthened partnership and enhanced IA curricula among the participating institutions as well as institutions from across the nation, and improved IA research and education opportunities for minorities and females.