Visible to the public EDU: CPS-CDC - A framework for Cyber-Physical Systems based Cyber Defense CompetitionsConflict Detection Enabled

Project Details

Performance Period

Sep 01, 2014 - Aug 31, 2018


Iowa State University

Award Number

The goal of this project is to develop a framework for integrating critical infrastructure cyber-physical systems (CPS) into an effective and well established Cyber Defense Competition (CDC) model created at Iowa State University (ISU). The resulting framework will enable others to replicate cyber-physical CDCs providing an avenue for producing more CPS security professionals. Cyber defense competitions across the nation have solidified and enriched student understanding and competency in defending computer and network systems. This proposal addresses the need for additional professionals to be trained to protect other critical infrastructures such as cyber-physical systems. ISU is uniquely position to design and run the new cyber-physical CDCs using the model established and improved over the last 15 years. Their Cybersecurity outreach programs focus on high school, community college, and four-year university students and help not only master concepts, but also thoroughly understand Cybersecurity as a theoretical construct and a practical, hands-on approach. The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program funds proposals that address Cybersecurity from a Trustworthy Computing Systems perspective; a Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences perspective; and proposals focusing entirely on Cybersecurity Education.

There are four clearly defined objectives of the project: enhance the knowledge of students studying security to include the protection of CPS; develop a framework to integrate cyber-physical components into an existing cyber defense competition model; develop scenarios, scoring rubrics, real-time anomalies, and other materials to allow other groups to host their own CPS- CDC; create a set of effective inquiry-based laboratory exercises and assignments that support the CPS-CDCs. The addition of the cyber-physical CDC will increase the overall numbers of students to protect the critical infrastructure and intellectual property. The experienced project team has been conducting workshops on cyber defense competitions, high school outreach programs, undergraduate club activities, and Cybersecurity literacy for more many years at national conferences. These efforts will continue with this award activity. Additionally, a website will be established to share cyber-physical CDC learning materials, exercises, and information, as well as instructions to setup their own cyber-physical CDC. Help will be provided to other institutions on how to incorporate these programs into developing cyber-physical CDCs at their institutions.