Visible to the public Cyber-resilient industrial control system with diversified architecture and bus monitoring

TitleCyber-resilient industrial control system with diversified architecture and bus monitoring
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsKim, C.
Conference Name2016 World Congress on Industrial Control Systems Security (WCICSS)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordsactuators, bus monitoring, Computer architecture, control engineering computing, controller architecture, cyber vulnerabilities, cyber-resilient industrial control system, cybersecurity, cybersecurity test bed, DeterLab, Hardware, ICs, industrial control, integrated circuits, Monitoring, production engineering computing, pubcrawl, Resiliency, resiliency approach, Resilient Security Architectures, Robustness, safety-critical ICS, SCADA, security of data

This paper focuses on exploitable cyber vulnerabilities in industrial control systems (ICS) and on a new approach of resiliency against them. Even with numerous metrics and methods for intrusion detection and mitigation strategy, a complete detection and deterrence of cyber-attacks for ICS is impossible. Countering the impact and consequence of possible malfunctions caused by such attacks in the safety-critical ICS's, this paper proposes new controller architecture to fail-operate even under compromised situations. The proposed new ICS is realized with diversification of hardware/software and unidirectional communication in alerting suspicious infiltration to upper-level management. Equipped with control bus monitoring, this operation-basis approach of infiltration detection would become a truly cyber-resilient ICS. The proposed system is tested in a lab hardware experimentation setup and on a cybersecurity test bed, DeterLab, for validation.

Citation Keykim_cyber-resilient_2016