Visible to the public Attribute-based Approach of Defining the Secure Behavior of Automata Objects

TitleAttribute-based Approach of Defining the Secure Behavior of Automata Objects
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsNovikov, Fedor, Fedorchenko, Ludmila, Vorobiev, Vladimir, Fatkieva, Roza, Levonevskiy, Dmitriy
Conference NameProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5303-8
Keywordsautomatic programming, behavior model, Network Security Architecture, parallel behavior, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, secure behavior, security of distributed systems, the architecture of reacting systems
AbstractThe article proposes an enhanced behavior model using graphs of state transitions. The properties and advantages of the proposed model are discussed, UML-based Cooperative Interaction of Automata Objects (CIAO) language is described, attribute approach on its parsing mechanism is introduced. The proposed model for describing behavior is aimed at achieving higher reliability and productivity indicators when designing the secure architecture and implementing reactive and distributed systems in comparison with traditional methods. A side-by-side goal is to create a convenient publication language for describing parallel algorithms and distributed reactive systems. The offered model has advantages under certain conditions in comparison with other models of behavior description in the field of the description of asynchronous distributed reacting systems.
Citation Keynovikov_attribute-based_2017