Visible to the public EUROCRYPT 2010Conflict Detection Enabled

EUROCRYPT 2010, the 27th Annual EUROCRYPT conference on the theory and applications of cryptologic techniques, was organized by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). The conference was held on May 30 - June 3, 2010 in Monaco and Nice, France.

A copy of the conference program agenda can be found here:
A copy of the conference CfP can be found here:

Program Committee
Dan Boneh Stanford University
Ran Canetti Tel Aviv University
Anne Canteaut INRIA
Carlos Cid Royal Holloway, University of London
Jean-Sebastien Coron Universite du Luxembourg
Ivan Bjerre Damgard University of Aarhus
Steven Galbraith Auckland University
Rosario Gennaro IBM Research
Henri Gilbert Orange Labs
Helena Handschuh K.U.Leuven and Intrinsic-ID Inc.
Stanislaw Jarecki University of California at Irvine
Antoine Joux DGA and Universite de Versailles
Marc Joye Technicolor
Ari Juels RSA Laboratories
Aggelos Kiayias University of Connecticut
Lars R. Knudsen Technical University of Denmark
Arjen K. Lenstra EPFL and Alcatel-Lucent Bell Laboratories
Helger Lipmaa Cybernetica AS
Mitsuru Matsui Mitsubishi Electric
Alexander May Ruhr-University Bochum
Tatsuaki Okamoto NTT
Krzysztof Pietrzak CWI Amsterdam
David Pointcheval ENS/CNRS/INRIA
Bart Preneel Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Phillip Rogaway University of California, Davis
Amit Sahai UCLA
Berry Schoenmakers Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Ron Steinfeld Macquarie University
Frederik Vercauteren Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Yiqun Lisa Yin Independent Security Consultant

Event Details
Monaco and Nice, France