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Lee, H., Cho, S., Seong, J., Lee, S., Lee, W..  2020.  De-identification and Privacy Issues on Bigdata Transformation. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp). :514—519.

As the number of data in various industries and government sectors is growing exponentially, the `7V' concept of big data aims to create a new value by indiscriminately collecting and analyzing information from various fields. At the same time as the ecosystem of the ICT industry arrives, big data utilization is treatened by the privacy attacks such as infringement due to the large amount of data. To manage and sustain the controllable privacy level, there need some recommended de-identification techniques. This paper exploits those de-identification processes and three types of commonly used privacy models. Furthermore, this paper presents use cases which can be adopted those kinds of technologies and future development directions.

Nguyen, A., Choi, S., Kim, W., Lee, S..  2019.  A Simple Way of Multimodal and Arbitrary Style Transfer. ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :1752—1756.

We re-define multimodality and introduce a simple approach to multimodal and arbitrary style transfer. Conventionally, style transfer methods are limited to synthesizing a deterministic output based on a single style, and there has been no work that can generate multiple images of various details, or multimodality, given a single style. In this work, we explore a way to achieve multimodal and arbitrary style transfer by injecting noise to a unimodal method. This novel approach does not require any trainable parameters, and can be readily applied to any unimodal style transfer methods with separate style encoding sub-network in literature. Experimental results show that while being able to transfer an image to multiple domains in various ways, the image quality is highly competitive with contemporary models in style transfer.

Xu, M., Huber, M., Sun, Z., England, P., Peinado, M., Lee, S., Marochko, A., Mattoon, D., Spiger, R., Thom, S..  2019.  Dominance as a New Trusted Computing Primitive for the Internet of Things. 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1415–1430.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly emerging as one of the dominant computing paradigms of this decade. Applications range from in-home entertainment to large-scale industrial deployments such as controlling assembly lines and monitoring traffic. While IoT devices are in many respects similar to traditional computers, user expectations and deployment scenarios as well as cost and hardware constraints are sufficiently different to create new security challenges as well as new opportunities. This is especially true for large-scale IoT deployments in which a central entity deploys and controls a large number of IoT devices with minimal human interaction. Like traditional computers, IoT devices are subject to attack and compromise. Large IoT deployments consisting of many nearly identical devices are especially attractive targets. At the same time, recovery from root compromise by conventional means becomes costly and slow, even more so if the devices are dispersed over a large geographical area. In the worst case, technicians have to travel to all devices and manually recover them. Data center solutions such as the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) which rely on separate service processors and network connections are not only not supported by existing IoT hardware, but are unlikely to be in the foreseeable future due to the cost constraints of mainstream IoT devices. This paper presents CIDER, a system that can recover IoT devices within a short amount of time, even if attackers have taken root control of every device in a large deployment. The recovery requires minimal manual intervention. After the administrator has identified the compromise and produced an updated firmware image, he/she can instruct CIDER to force the devices to reset and to install the patched firmware on the devices. We demonstrate the universality and practicality of CIDER by implementing it on three popular IoT platforms (HummingBoard Edge, Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 and Nucleo-L476RG) spanning the range from high to low end. Our evaluation shows that the performance overhead of CIDER is generally negligible.
Koo, J., Kim, Y., Lee, S..  2019.  Security Requirements for Cloud-based C4I Security Architecture. 2019 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon). :1—4.
With the development of cloud computing technology, developed countries including the U.S. are performing the efficiency of national defense and public sector, national innovation, and construction of the infrastructure for cloud computing environment through the policies that apply cloud computing. Korea Military is also considering that apply the cloud computing technology into its national defense command control system. However, only existing security requirements for national defense information system cannot solve the problem related security vulnerabilities of cloud computing. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to design the secure security architecture of national defense command control system considering security requirements related to cloud computing. This study analyze the security requirements needed when the U.S. military apply the cloud computing system. It also analyze existing security requirements for Korea national defense information system and security requirements for cloud computing system and draw the security requirements needed to Korea national defense information system based on cloud computing.
Sahabandu, D., Xiao, B., Clark, A., Lee, S., Lee, W., Poovendran, R..  2018.  DIFT Games: Dynamic Information Flow Tracking Games for Advanced Persistent Threats. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). :1136-1143.
Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (DIFT) has been proposed to detect stealthy and persistent cyber attacks that evade existing defenses such as firewalls and signature-based antivirus systems. A DIFT defense taints and tracks suspicious information flows across the network in order to identify possible attacks, at the cost of additional memory overhead for tracking non-adversarial information flows. In this paper, we present the first analytical model that describes the interaction between DIFT and adversarial information flows, including the probability that the adversary evades detection and the performance overhead of the defense. Our analytical model consists of a multi-stage game, in which each stage represents a system process through which the information flow passes. We characterize the optimal strategies for both the defense and adversary, and derive efficient algorithms for computing the strategies. Our results are evaluated on a realworld attack dataset obtained using the Refinable Attack Investigation (RAIN) framework, enabling us to draw conclusions on the optimal adversary and defense strategies, as well as the effect of valid information flows on the interaction between adversary and defense.
Akhtar, U., Lee, S..  2018.  Adaptive Cache Replacement in Efficiently Querying Semantic Big Data. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS). :367–370.
This paper addresses the problem of querying Knowledge bases (KBs) that store semantic big data. For efficiently querying data the most important factor is cache replacement policy, which determines the overall query response. As cache is limited in size, less frequently accessed data should be removed to provide more space to hot triples (frequently accessed). So, to achieve a similar performance to RDBMS, we proposed an Adaptive Cache Replacement (ACR) policy that predict the hot triples from query log. Moreover, performance bottleneck of triplestore, makes realworld application difficult. To achieve a closer performance similar to RDBMS, we have proposed an Adaptive Cache Replacement (ACR) policy that predict the hot triples from query log. Our proposed algorithm effectively replaces cache with high accuracy. To implement cache replacement policy, we have applied exponential smoothing, a forecast method, to collect most frequently accessed triples. The evaluation result shows that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing cache replacement policies, such as LRU (least recently used) and LFU (least frequently used), in terms of higher hit rates and less time overhead.
Kang, K., Baek, Y., Lee, S., Son, S. H..  2017.  An Attack-Resilient Source Authentication Protocol in Controller Area Network. 2017 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS). :109–118.

While vehicle to everything (V2X) communication enables safety-critical automotive control systems to better support various connected services to improve safety and convenience of drivers, they also allow automotive attack surfaces to increase dynamically in modern vehicles. Many researchers as well as hackers have already demonstrated that they can take remote control of the targeted car by exploiting the vulnerabilities of in-vehicle networks such as Controller Area Networks (CANs). For assuring CAN security, we focus on how to authenticate electronic control units (ECUs) in real-time by addressing the security challenges of in-vehicle networks. In this paper, we propose a novel and lightweight authentication protocol with an attack-resilient tree algorithm, which is based on one-way hash chain. The protocol can be easily deployed in CAN by performing a firmware update of ECU. We have shown analytically that the protocol achieves a high level of security. In addition, the performance of the proposed protocol is validated on CANoe simulator for virtual ECUs and Freescale S12XF used in real vehicles. The results show that our protocol is more efficient than other authentication protocol in terms of authentication time, response time, and service delay.

Chang, L., Kao, M., Tsai, L., Liang, J., Lee, S..  2017.  Frequency modulation spin waves generator via oscillating vortex core in NiFe disk array. 2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG). :1–1.

The study of spin waves (SW) excitation in magnetic devices is one of the most important topics in modern magnetism due to the applications of the information carrier and the signal processing. We experimentally realize a spin-wave generator, capable of frequency modulation, in a magnonic waveguide. The emission of spin waves was produced by the reversal or oscillation of nanoscale magnetic vortex cores in a NiFe disk array. The vortex cores in the disk array were excited by an out of plane radio frequency (rf) magnetic field. The dynamic behaviors of the magnetization of NiFe were studied using a micro-focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy (BLS) setup.