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You, Y., Li, Z., Oechtering, T. J..  2018.  Optimal Privacy-Enhancing And Cost-Efficient Energy Management Strategies For Smart Grid Consumers. 2018 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP). :826–830.

The design of optimal energy management strategies that trade-off consumers' privacy and expected energy cost by using an energy storage is studied. The Kullback-Leibler divergence rate is used to assess the privacy risk of the unauthorized testing on consumers' behavior. We further show how this design problem can be formulated as a belief state Markov decision process problem so that standard tools of the Markov decision process framework can be utilized, and the optimal solution can be obtained by using Bellman dynamic programming. Finally, we illustrate the privacy-enhancement and cost-saving by numerical examples.

Zhang, Y., Wang, L., You, Y., Yi, L..  2017.  A Remote-Attestation-Based Extended Hash Algorithm for Privacy Protection. 2017 International Conference on Computer Network, Electronic and Automation (ICCNEA). :254–257.

Compared to other remote attestation methods, the binary-based approach is the most direct and complete one, but privacy protection has become an important problem. In this paper, we presented an Extended Hash Algorithm (EHA) for privacy protection based on remote attestation method. Based on the traditional Merkle Hash Tree, EHA altered the algorithm of node connection. The new algorithm could ensure the same result in any measure order. The security key is added when the node connection calculation is performed, which ensures the security of the value calculated by the Merkle node. By the final analysis, we can see that the remote attestation using EHA has better privacy protection and execution performance compared to other methods.