This paper proposes a basic strategy for Botnet Defense System (BDS). BDS is a cybersecurity system that utilizes white-hat botnets to defend IoT systems against malicious botnets. Once a BDS detects a malicious botnet, it launches white-hat worms in order to drive out the malicious botnet. The proposed strategy aims at the proper use of the worms based on the worms' capability such as lifespan and secondary infectivity. If the worms have high secondary infectivity or a long lifespan, the BDS only has to launch a few worms. Otherwise, it should launch as many worms as possible. The effectiveness of the strategy was confirmed through the simulation evaluation using agent-oriented Petri nets.
This paper proposes a deep learning-based white-hat worm launcher in Botnet Defense System (BDS). BDS uses white-hat botnets to defend an IoT system against malicious botnets. White-hat worm launcher literally launches white-hat worms to create white-hat botnets according to the strategy decided by BDS. The proposed launcher learns with deep learning where is the white-hat worms' right place to successfully drive out malicious botnets. Given a system situation invaded by malicious botnets, it predicts a worms' placement by the learning result and launches them. We confirmed the effect of the proposed launcher through simulating evaluation.
Critical infrastructures have suffered from different kind of cyber attacks over the years. Many of these attacks are performed using malwares by exploiting the vulnerabilities of these resources. Smart power grid is one of the major victim which suffered from these attacks and its SCADA system are frequently targeted. In this paper we describe our proposed framework to analyze smart power grid, while its SCADA system is under attack by malware. Malware propagation and its effects on SCADA system is the focal point of our analysis. OMNeT++ simulator and openDSS is used for developing and analyzing the simulated smart power grid environment.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has bridged our physical world to the cyber world which allows us to achieve our desired lifestyle. However, service security is an essential part to ensure that the designed service is not compromised. In this paper, we proposed a security analysis for IoT services. We focus on the context of detecting malicious operation from an event log of the designed IoT services. We utilized Petri nets with data to model IoT service which is logically correct. Then, we check the trace from an event log by tracking the captured process and data. Finally, we illustrated the approach with a smart home service and showed the effectiveness of our approach.
Online Social Networks (OSNs) are continuously suffering from the negative impact of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. This paper describes a novel framework for mitigating XSS attack on OSN-based platforms. It is completely based on the request authentication and view isolation approach. It detects XSS attack through validating string value extracted from the vulnerable checkpoint present in the web page by implementing string examination algorithm with the help of XSS attack vector repository. Any similarity (i.e. string is not validated) indicates the presence of malicious code injected by the attacker and finally it removes the script code to mitigate XSS attack. To assess the defending ability of our designed model, we have tested it on OSN-based web application i.e. Humhub. The experimental results revealed that our model discovers the XSS attack vectors with low false negatives and false positive rate tolerable performance overhead.
Denial-of-Service (DoS) and probe attacks are growing more modern and sophisticated in order to evade detection by Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) and to increase the potent threat to the availability of network services. Detecting these attacks is quite tough for network operators using misuse-based IDSs because they need to see through attackers and upgrade their IDSs by adding new accurate attack signatures. In this paper, we proposed a novel signal and image processing-based method for detecting network probe and DoS attacks in which prior knowledge of attacks is not required. The method uses a time-frequency representation technique called S-transform, which is an extension of Wavelet Transform, to reveal abnormal frequency components caused by attacks in a traffic signal (e.g., a time-series of the number of packets). Firstly, S-Transform converts the traffic signal to a two-dimensional image which describes time-frequency behavior of the traffic signal. The frequencies that behave abnormally are discovered as abnormal regions in the image. Secondly, Otsu's method is used to detect the abnormal regions and identify time that attacks occur. We evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed method with several network probe and DoS attacks such as port scans, packet flooding attacks, and a low-intensity DoS attack. The results clearly indicated that the method is effective for detecting the probe and DoS attack streams which were generated to real-world Internet.