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Kurt, Ahmet, Mercana, Suat, Erdin, Enes, Akkaya, Kemal.  2021.  Enabling Micro-payments on IoT Devices using Bitcoin Lightning Network. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC). :1–3.
Lightning Network (LN) addresses the scalability problem of Bitcoin by leveraging off-chain transactions. Nevertheless, it is not possible to run LN on resource-constrained IoT devices due to its storage, memory, and processing requirements. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an efficient and secure protocol that enables an IoT device to use LN's functions through a gateway LN node. The idea is to involve the IoT device in LN operations with its digital signature by replacing original 2-of-2 multisignature channels with 3-of-3 multisignature channels. Our protocol enforces the LN gateway to request the IoT device's cryptographic signature for all operations on the channel. We evaluated the proposed protocol by implementing it on a Raspberry Pi for a toll payment scenario and demonstrated its feasibility and security.
Saputro, Nico, Tonyali, Samet, Aydeger, Abdullah, Akkaya, Kemal, Rahman, Mohammad A., Uluagac, Selcuk.  2020.  A Review of Moving Target Defense Mechanisms for Internet of Things Applications. Modeling and Design of Secure Internet of Things. :563–614.
The chapter presents a review of proactive Moving Target Defense (MTD) paradigm and investigates the feasibility and potential of specific MTD approaches for the resource‐constrained Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The aim is not only to provide taxonomy of various MTD approaches but also to advocate MTD techniques in the dynamic network domain in conjunction with the emerging Software Defined Networking (SDN) for more effective proactive IoT defense. The Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) and Industrial IoT (IIoT), which subject to more attacks, are identified as two critical IoT domains that can reap from the SDN‐based MTD approaches. Finally, the chapter also discusses potential future research challenges of the MTD approaches in the IoT domain.
Quijano, Andrew, Akkaya, Kemal.  2019.  Server-Side Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization Using Encrypted Sorting. 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems Workshops (MASSW). :53–57.
GPS signals, the main origin of navigation, are not functional in indoor environments. Therefore, Wi-Fi access points have started to be increasingly used for localization and tracking inside the buildings by relying on fingerprint-based approach. However, with these types of approaches, several concerns regarding the privacy of the users have arisen. Malicious individuals can determine a clients daily habits and activities by simply analyzing their wireless signals. While there are already efforts to incorporate privacy to the existing fingerprint-based approaches, they are limited to the characteristics of the homo-morphic cryptographic schemes they employed. In this paper, we propose to enhance the performance of these approaches by exploiting another homomorphic algorithm, namely DGK, with its unique encrypted sorting capability and thus pushing most of the computations to the server side. We developed an Android app and tested our system within a Columbia University dormitory. Compared to existing systems, the results indicated that more power savings can be achieved at the client side and DGK can be a viable option with more powerful server computation capabilities.
Aydeger, Abdullah, Saputro, Nico, Akkaya, Kemal.  2018.  Utilizing NFV for Effective Moving Target Defense Against Link Flooding Reconnaissance Attacks. MILCOM 2018 - 2018 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :946—951.

Moving target defense (MTD) is becoming popular with the advancements in Software Defined Networking (SDN) technologies. With centralized management through SDN, changing the network attributes such as routes to escape from attacks is simple and fast. Yet, the available alternate routes are bounded by the network topology, and a persistent attacker that continuously perform the reconnaissance can extract the whole link-map of the network. To address this issue, we propose to use virtual shadow networks (VSNs) by applying Network Function Virtualization (NFV) abilities to the network in order to deceive attacker with the fake topology information and not reveal the actual network topology and characteristics. We design this approach under a formal framework for Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks and apply it to the recently emerged indirect DDoS attacks, namely Crossfire, for evaluation. The results show that attacker spends more time to figure out the network behavior while the costs on the defender and network operations are negligible until reaching a certain network size.

Cebe, Mumin, Kaplan, Berkay, Akkaya, Kemal.  2018.  A Network Coding Based Information Spreading Approach for Permissioned Blockchain in IoT Settings. Proceedings of the 15th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services. :470-475.

Permissioned Blockchain (PBC) has become a prevalent data structure to ensure that the records are immutable and secure. However, PBC still has significant challenges before it can be realized in different applications. One of such challenges is the overhead of the communication which is required to execute the Byzantine Agreement (BA) protocol that is needed for consensus building. As such, it may not be feasible to implement PBC for resource constrained environments such as Internet-of-Things (IoT). In this paper, we assess the communication overhead of running BA in an IoT environment that consists of wireless nodes (e.g., Raspberry PIs) with meshing capabilities. As the the packet loss ratio is significant and makes BA unfeasible to scale, we propose a network coding based approach that will reduce the packet overhead and minimize the consensus completion time of the BA. Specifically, various network coding approaches are designed as a replacement to TCP protocol which relies on unicasting and acknowledgements. The evaluation on a network of Raspberry PIs demonstrates that our approach can significantly improve scalability making BA feasible for medium size IoT networks.

Cebe, Mumin, Kaplan, Berkay, Akkaya, Kemal.  2018.  A Network Coding Based Information Spreading Approach for Permissioned Blockchain in IoT Settings. Proceedings of the 15th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services. :470–475.
Permissioned Blockchain (PBC) has become a prevalent data structure to ensure that the records are immutable and secure. However, PBC still has significant challenges before it can be realized in different applications. One of such challenges is the overhead of the communication which is required to execute the Byzantine Agreement (BA) protocol that is needed for consensus building. As such, it may not be feasible to implement PBC for resource constrained environments such as Internet-of-Things (IoT). In this paper, we assess the communication overhead of running BA in an IoT environment that consists of wireless nodes (e.g., Raspberry PIs) with meshing capabilities. As the the packet loss ratio is significant and makes BA unfeasible to scale, we propose a network coding based approach that will reduce the packet overhead and minimize the consensus completion time of the BA. Specifically, various network coding approaches are designed as a replacement to TCP protocol which relies on unicasting and acknowledgements. The evaluation on a network of Raspberry PIs demonstrates that our approach can significantly improve scalability making BA feasible for medium size IoT networks.
Algin, Ramazan, Tan, Huseyin O., Akkaya, Kemal.  2017.  Mitigating Selective Jamming Attacks in Smart Meter Data Collection Using Moving Target Defense. Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks. :1–8.

In Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) networks, power data collections from smart meters are static. Due to such static nature, attackers may predict the transmission behavior of the smart meters which can be used to launch selective jamming attacks that can block the transmissions. To avoid such attack scenarios and increase the resilience of the AMI networks, in this paper, we propose dynamic data reporting schedules for smart meters based on the idea of moving target defense (MTD) paradigm. The idea behind MTD-based schedules is to randomize the transmission times so that the attackers will not be able to guess these schedules. Specifically, we assign a time slot for each smart meter and in each round we shuffle the slots with Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm that has been shown to provide secure randomness. We also take into account the periodicity of the data transmissions that may be needed by the utility company. With the proposed approach, a smart meter is guaranteed to send its data at a different time slot in each round. We implemented the proposed approach in ns-3 using IEEE 802.11s wireless mesh standard as the communication infrastructure. Simulation results showed that our protocol can secure the network from the selective jamming attacks without sacrificing performance by providing similar or even better performance for collection time, packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay compared to previously proposed protocols.