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Modeling and Verifying Ticket-Based Authentication Scheme for IoT Using CSP. 2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). :845—852.
2021. Internet of Things (IoT) connects various nodes such as sensor devices. For users from foreign networks, their direct access to the data of sensor devices is restricted because of security threats. Therefore, a ticket-based authentication scheme was proposed, which can mutually authenticate a mobile device and a sensor device. This scheme with new features fills a gap in IoT authentication, but the scheme has not been verified formally. Hence, it is important to study the security and reliability of the scheme from the perspective of formal methods.In this paper, we model this scheme using Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP). Considering the possibility of key leakage caused by security threats in IoT networks, we also build models where one of the keys used in the scheme is leaked. With the model checker Process Analysis Toolkit (PAT), we verify four properties (deadlock freedom, data availability, data security, and data authenticity) and find that the scheme cannot satisfy the last two properties with key leakage. Thus, we propose two improved models. The verification results show that the first improved model can guarantee data security, and the second one can ensure both data security and data authenticity.
Research on SQL Injection Attack and Prevention Technology Based on Web. 2019 International Conference on Computer Network, Electronic and Automation (ICCNEA). :176–179.
2019. This SQL injection attack is one of the common means for hackers to attack database. With the development of B/S mode application development, more and more programmers use this mode to write applications. However, due to the uneven level and experience of programmers, a considerable number of programmers do not judge the legitimacy of user input data when writing code, which makes the application security risks. Users can submit a database query code and get some data they want to know according to the results of the program. SQL injection attack belongs to one of the means of database security attack. It can be effectively protected by database security protection technology. This paper introduces the principle of SQL injection, the main form of SQL injection attack, the types of injection attack, and how to prevent SQL injection. Discussed and illustrated with examples.