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Ivanova, M., Durcheva, M., Baneres, D., Rodríguez, M. E..  2018.  eAssessment by Using a Trustworthy System in Blended and Online Institutions. 2018 17th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET). :1-7.

eAssessment uses technology to support online evaluation of students' knowledge and skills. However, challenging problems must be addressed such as trustworthiness among students and teachers in blended and online settings. The TeSLA system proposes an innovative solution to guarantee correct authentication of students and to prove the authorship of their assessment tasks. Technologically, the system is based on the integration of five instruments: face recognition, voice recognition, keystroke dynamics, forensic analysis, and plagiarism. The paper aims to analyze and compare the results achieved after the second pilot performed in an online and a blended university revealing the realization of trust-driven solutions for eAssessment.