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Zhang, T., Zhao, P..  2010.  Insider Threat Identification System Model Based on Rough Set Dimensionality Reduction. 2010 Second World Congress on Software Engineering. 2:111—114.
Insider threat makes great damage to the security of information system, traditional security methods are extremely difficult to work. Insider attack identification plays an important role in insider threat detection. Monitoring user's abnormal behavior is an effective method to detect impersonation, this method is applied to insider threat identification, to built user's behavior attribute information database based on weights changeable feedback tree augmented Bayes network, but data is massive, using the dimensionality reduction based on rough set, to establish the process information model of user's behavior attribute. Using the minimum risk Bayes decision can effectively identify the real identity of the user when user's behavior departs from the characteristic model.
Zhang, T., Wang, J..  2020.  Secure Outsourcing Algorithms of Modular Exponentiations in Edge Computing. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :576–583.
As one of the most expensive computations in public-key cryptosystems, modular exponentiation is typically out-sourced to the cloud servers. Traditional cloud-based outsourcing algorithms depend on multiple untrusted servers to guarantee the security, which may lead to vulnerability to the collusion attack. Although recent single-server multiple-requests outsourcing algorithms are more secure, they have to perform multiple requests to the single untrusted server to guarantee the security and checkability of the data, which will incur unacceptable latency and local computational costs. In comparison, the edge computing paradigm enhances security since it has multiple computational nodes, including some highly secure local computational nodes. In this paper, we propose the secure outsourcing algorithm of modular exponentiation for the edge computing paradigm. To address the dilemma that the computational resources of different nodes vary significantly, we design two lightweight algorithms to adaptively separate the modular exponentiation to the nodes based on the computational resources. To guarantee the outsourcing checkability, we propose a protocol verify the result returned from each node. We formally prove the security and checkability of our algorithm and validate the efficiency of our algorithm based on experiments and case studies.
Li, Y., Zhang, T., Han, X., Qi, Y..  2018.  Image Style Transfer in Deep Learning Networks. 2018 5th International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI). :660–664.

Since Gatys et al. proved that the convolution neural network (CNN) can be used to generate new images with artistic styles by separating and recombining the styles and contents of images. Neural Style Transfer has attracted wide attention of computer vision researchers. This paper aims to provide an overview of the style transfer application deep learning network development process, and introduces the classical style migration model, on the basis of the research on the migration of style of the deep learning network for collecting and organizing, and put forward related to gathered during the investigation of the problem solution, finally some classical model in the image style to display and compare the results of migration.

Zhang, T., Wang, R., Ding, J., Li, X., Li, B..  2018.  Face Recognition Based on Densely Connected Convolutional Networks. 2018 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM). :1–6.
The face recognition methods based on convolutional neural network have achieved great success. The existing model usually used the residual network as the core architecture. The residual network is good at reusing features, but it is difficult to explore new features. And the densely connected network can be used to explore new features. We proposed a face recognition model named Dense Face to explore the performance of densely connected network in face recognition. The model is based on densely connected convolutional neural network and composed of Dense Block layers, transition layers and classification layer. The model was trained with the joint supervision of center loss and softmax loss through feature normalization and enabled the convolutional neural network to learn more discriminative features. The Dense Face model was trained using the public available CASIA-WebFace dataset and was tested on the LFW and the CAS-PEAL-Rl datasets. Experimental results showed that the densely connected convolutional neural network has achieved higher face verification accuracy and has better robustness than other model such as VGG Face and ResNet model.
Yuan, X., Zhang, T., Shama, A. A., Xu, J., Yang, L., Ellis, J., He, W., Waters, C..  2019.  Teaching Cybersecurity Using Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning. 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1—6.

This Innovate Practice Full Paper describes our experience with teaching cybersecurity topics using guided inquiry collaborative learning. The goal is to not only develop the students' in-depth technical knowledge, but also “soft skills” such as communication, attitude, team work, networking, problem-solving and critical thinking. This paper reports our experience with developing and using the Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning materials on the topics of firewall and IPsec. Pre- and post-surveys were conducted to access the effectiveness of the developed materials and teaching methods in terms of learning outcome, attitudes, learning experience and motivation. Analysis of the survey data shows that students had increased learning outcome, participation in class, and interest with Guided Inquiry Collaborative Learning.

Zhang, T., Zheng, H., Zhang, L..  2018.  Verification CAPTCHA Based on Deep Learning. 2018 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :9056–9060.
At present, the captcha is widely used in the Internet. The method of captcha recognition using the convolutional neural networks was introduced in this paper. It was easier to apply the convolution neural network model of simple training to segment the captcha, and the network structure was established imitating VGGNet model. and the correct rate can be reached more than 90%. For the more difficult segmentation captcha, it can be used the end-to-end thought to the captcha as a whole to training, In this way, the recognition rate of the more difficult segmentation captcha can be reached about 85%.
Zhang, T., Wang, Y., Liang, X., Zhuang, Z., Xu, W..  2017.  Cyber Attacks in Cyber-Physical Power Systems: A Case Study with GPRS-Based SCADA Systems. 2017 29th Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC). :6847–6852.

With the integration of computing, communication, and physical processes, the modern power grid is becoming a large and complex cyber physical power system (CPPS). This trend is intended to modernize and improve the efficiency of the power grid, yet it makes the CPPS vulnerable to potential cascading failures caused by cyber-attacks, e.g., the attacks that are originated by the cyber network of CPPS. To prevent these risks, it is essential to analyze how cyber-attacks can be conducted against the CPPS and how they can affect the power systems. In light of that General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) has been widely used in CPPS, this paper provides a case study by examining possible cyber-attacks against the cyber-physical power systems with GPRS-based SCADA system. We analyze the vulnerabilities of GPRS-based SCADA systems and focus on DoS attacks and message spoofing attacks. Furthermore, we show the consequence of these attacks against power systems by a simulation using the IEEE 9-node system, and the results show the validity of cascading failures propagated through the systems under our proposed attacks.

He, Z., Zhang, T., Lee, R. B..  2017.  Machine Learning Based DDoS Attack Detection from Source Side in Cloud. 2017 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud). :114–120.

Denial of service (DOS) attacks are a serious threat to network security. These attacks are often sourced from virtual machines in the cloud, rather than from the attacker's own machine, to achieve anonymity and higher network bandwidth. Past research focused on analyzing traffic on the destination (victim's) side with predefined thresholds. These approaches have significant disadvantages. They are only passive defenses after the attack, they cannot use the outbound statistical features of attacks, and it is hard to trace back to the attacker with these approaches. In this paper, we propose a DOS attack detection system on the source side in the cloud, based on machine learning techniques. This system leverages statistical information from both the cloud server's hypervisor and the virtual machines, to prevent network packages from being sent out to the outside network. We evaluate nine machine learning algorithms and carefully compare their performance. Our experimental results show that more than 99.7% of four kinds of DOS attacks are successfully detected. Our approach does not degrade performance and can be easily extended to broader DOS attacks.

Ren, Z., Liu, X., Ye, R., Zhang, T..  2017.  Security and privacy on internet of things. 2017 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication (ICEIEC). :140–144.

There are billions of Internet of things (IoT) devices connecting to the Internet and the number is increasing. As a still ongoing technology, IoT can be used in different fields, such as agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, energy, retailing and logistics. IoT has been changing our world and the way we live and think. However, IoT has no uniform architecture and there are different kinds of attacks on the different layers of IoT, such as unauthorized access to tags, tag cloning, sybil attack, sinkhole attack, denial of service attack, malicious code injection, and man in middle attack. IoT devices are more vulnerable to attacks because it is simple and some security measures can not be implemented. We analyze the privacy and security challenges in the IoT and survey on the corresponding solutions to enhance the security of IoT architecture and protocol. We should focus more on the security and privacy on IoT and help to promote the development of IoT.

Yang, B., Zhang, T..  2016.  A Scalable Meta-Model for Big Data Security Analyses. 2016 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing (HPSC), and IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :55–60.

This paper proposes a highly scalable framework that can be applied to detect network anomaly at per flow level by constructing a meta-model for a family of machine learning algorithms or statistical data models. The approach is scalable and attainable because raw data needs to be accessed only one time and it will be processed, computed and transformed into a meta-model matrix in a much smaller size that can be resident in the system RAM. The calculation of meta-model matrix can be achieved through disposable updating operations at per row level: once a per-flow information is proceeded, it is no longer needed in calculating the meta-model matrix. While the proposed framework covers both Gaussian and non-Gaussian data, the focus of this work is on the linear regression models. Specifically, a new concept called meta-model sufficient statistics is proposed to analyze a group of models, where exact, not the approximate, results are derived. In addition, the proposed framework can quickly discover an optimal statistical or computer model from a family of candidate models without the need of rescanning the raw dataset. This suggest an extremely efficient and effectively theory and method is possible for big data security analysis.

Ma, J., Zhang, T., Dong, M..  2014.  A Novel ECG Data Compression Method Using Adaptive Fourier Decomposition with Security Guarantee in e-Health Applications. Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of. PP:1-1.

This paper presents a novel electrocardiogram (ECG) compression method for e-health applications by adapting an adaptive Fourier decomposition (AFD) algorithm hybridized with a symbol substitution (SS) technique. The compression consists of two stages: first stage AFD executes efficient lossy compression with high fidelity; second stage SS performs lossless compression enhancement and built-in data encryption, which is pivotal for e-health. Validated with 48 ECG records from MIT-BIH arrhythmia benchmark database, the proposed method achieves averaged compression ratio (CR) of 17.6-44.5 and percentage root mean square difference (PRD) of 0.8-2.0% with a highly linear and robust PRD-CR relationship, pushing forward the compression performance to an unexploited region. As such, this paper provides an attractive candidate of ECG compression method for pervasive e-health applications.