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Nweke, Livinus Obiora, Wolthusen, Stephen D..  2020.  Modelling Adversarial Flow in Software-Defined Industrial Control Networks Using a Queueing Network Model. 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–6.
In recent years, software defined networking (SDN) has been proposed for enhancing the security of industrial control networks. However, its ability to guarantee the quality of service (QoS) requirements of such networks in the presence of adversarial flow still needs to be investigated. Queueing theory and particularly queueing network models have long been employed to study the performance and QoS characteristics of networks. The latter appears to be particularly suitable to capture the behaviour of SDN owing to the dependencies between layers, planes and components in an SDN architecture. Also, several authors have used queueing network models to study the behaviour of different application of SDN architectures, but none of the existing works have considered the strong periodic network traffic in software-defined industrial control networks. In this paper, we propose a queueing network model for softwaredefined industrial control networks, taking into account the strong periodic patterns of the network traffic in the data plane. We derive the performance measures for the analytical model and apply the queueing network model to study the effect of adversarial flow in software-defined industrial control networks.
Nweke, Livinus Obiora, Wolthusen, Stephen D..  2020.  Resilience Analysis of Software-Defined Networks Using Queueing Networks. 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :536–542.
Software-Defined Networks (SDN) are being adopted widely and are also likely to be deployed as the infrastructure of systems with critical real-time properties such as Industrial Control Systems (ICS). This raises the question of what security and performance guarantees can be given for the data plane of such critical systems and whether any control plane actions will adversely affect these guarantees, particularly for quality of service in real-time systems. In this paper we study the existing literature on the analysis of SDN using queueing networks and show ways in which models need to be extended to study attacks that are based on arrival rates and service time distributions of flows in SDN.
Wright, James G., Wolthusen, Stephen D..  2018.  Stealthy Injection Attacks Against IEC61850's GOOSE Messaging Service. 2018 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe). :1–6.
IEC61850 and IEC62351 combined provide a set of security promises for the communications channels that are used to run a substation automation system (SAS), that use IEC61850 based technologies. However, one area that is largely untouched by these security promises is the generic object oriented substation events (GOOSE) messaging service. GOOSE is designed to multicast commands and data across a substation within hard real time quality of service (QoS) requirements. This means that GOOSE is unable to implement the required security technologies as the added latency to any message would violate the QoS.