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Palisetti, Sanjana, Chandavarkar, B. R., Gadagkar, Akhilraj V..  2021.  Intrusion Detection of Sinkhole Attack in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—7.
Underwater networks have the potential to allow previously unexplored applications as well as improve our ability to observe and forecast the ocean. Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) are often deployed in unprecedented and hostile waters and face many security threats. Applications based on UASNs such as coastal defense, pollution monitoring, assisted navigation to name a few, require secure communication. A new set of communication protocols and cooperative coordination algorithms have been proposed to enable collaborative monitoring tasks. However, such protocols overlook security as a key performance indicator. Spoofing, altering, or replaying routing information can affect the entire network, making UASN vulnerable to routing attacks such as selective forwarding, sinkhole attack, Sybil attack, acknowledgement spoofing and HELLO flood attack. The lack of security against such threats is startling if it is observed that security is indeed an important requirement in many emerging civilian and military applications. In this work, the sinkhole attack prevalent among UASNs is looked at and discuss mitigation approaches that can feasibly be implemented in UnetStack3.
Hariyale, Ashish, Thawre, Aakriti, Chandavarkar, B. R..  2021.  Mitigating unsecured data forwarding related attack of underwater sensor network. 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—5.
To improve communication underwater, the underwater sensor networks (UWSN) provide gains for many different underwater applications, like Underwater Data-centers, Aquatic Monitoring, Tsunami Monitoring Systems, Aquatic Monitoring, Underwater Oil Field Discovery, Submarine Target Localization, Surveilling Water Territory of the Country via UWSN, Submarine Target Localization and many more. underwater applications are dependent on secure data communication in an underwater environment, so Data transmission in Underwater Sensor Network is a need of the future. Underwater data transmission itself is a big challenge due to various limitations of underwater communication mediums like lower bandwidth, multipath effect, path loss, propagation delay, noise, Doppler spread, and so on. These challenges make the underwater networks one of the most vulnerable networks for many different security attacks like sinkhole, spoofing, wormhole, misdirection, etc. It causes packets unable to be delivered to the destination, and even worse forward them to malicious nodes. A compromised node, which may be a router, intercepts packets going through it, and selectively drops them or can perform some malicious activity. This paper presents a solution to Mitigate unsecured data forwarding related attacks of an underwater sensor network, our solution uses a pre-shared key to secure communication and hashing algorithm to maintain the integrity of stored locations at head node and demonstration of attack and its mitigation done on Unetstack software.
Zala, Dhruvi, Thummar, Dhaval, Chandavarkar, B. R..  2021.  Mitigating Blackhole attack of Underwater Sensor Networks. 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—8.
Underwater wireless sensor network(UWSN) is an emerging technology for exploring and research inside the ocean. Since it is somehow similar to the normal wireless network, which uses radio signals for communication purposes, while UWSN uses acoustic for communication between nodes inside the ocean and sink nodes. Due to unattended areas and the vulnerability of acoustic medium, UWNS are more prone to various malicious attacks like Sybil attack, Black-hole attack, Wormhole attack, etc. This paper analyzes blackhole attacks in UWSN and proposes an algorithm to mitigate blackhole attacks by forming clusters of nodes and selecting coordinator nodes from each cluster to identify the presence of blackholes in its cluster. We used public-key cryptography and the challenge-response method to authenticate and verify nodes.
Chandavarkar, B. R., Shantanu, T K.  2021.  Sybil Attack Simulation and Mitigation in UnetStack. 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :01—07.

Underwater networks have the potential to enable unexplored applications and to enhance our ability to observe and predict the ocean. Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) are often deployed in unprecedented and hostile waters and face many security threats. Applications based on UASNs such as coastal defense, pollution monitoring, assisted navigation to name a few, require secure communication. A new set of communication protocols and cooperative coordination algorithms have been proposed to enable collaborative monitoring tasks. However, such protocols overlook security as a key performance indicator. Spoofing, altering, or replaying routing information can affect the entire network, making UASN vulnerable to routing attacks such as selective forwarding, sinkhole attack, Sybil attack, acknowledgement spoofing and HELLO flood attack. The lack of security against such threats is startling if maintained that security is indeed an important requirement in many emerging civilian and military applications. In this work, we look at one of the most prevalent attacks among UASNs which is Sybill attack and discuss mitigation approaches for it. Then, feasibly implemented the attack in UnetStack3 to simulate real-life scenario.

Thawre, Gopikishan, Bahekar, Nitin, Chandavarkar, B. R..  2020.  Use Cases of Authentication Protocols in the Context of Digital Payment System. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–6.
In the digital payment system, the transactions and their data about clients are very sensitive, so the security and privacy of personal information of the client is a big concern. The confirmation towards security necessities prevents the data from a stolen and unauthorized person over the digital transactions, So the stronger authentication methods required, which must be based on cryptography. Initially, in the payment ecosystem, they were using the Kerberos protocol, but now different approaches such as Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Tokenization, Two-Factor Authentication(PIN, MPIN, OTP), etc. such protocols are being used in the payment system. This paper presents the use cases of different authentication protocols. Further, the use of these protocols in online payment systems to verify each individual are explained.
Chandavarkar, B. R., Gadagkar, Akhilraj V..  2020.  Mitigating Localization and Neighbour Spoofing Attacks in Underwater Sensor Networks. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—5.
The location information of a node is one of the essential attributes used in most underwater communication routing algorithms to identify a candidate forwarding node by any of the sources. The exact location information of a node exchanged with its neighbours' in plain text and the absence of node authentication results in some of the attacks such as Sybil attack, Blackhole attack, and Wormhole attack. Moreover, the severe consequence of these attacks is Denial of Service (DoS), poor network performance, reduced network lifetime, etc. This paper proposes an anti-Spoof (a-Spoof) algorithm for mitigating localization and neighbour spoofing attacks in UASN. a-Spoof uses three pre-shared symmetric keys to share the location. Additionally, location integrity provided through the hash function. Further, the performance of a-Spoof demonstrated through its implementation in UnetStack with reference to end-to-end packet delay and the number of hops.
Jain, S., Sharma, S., Chandavarkar, B. R..  2020.  Mitigating Man-in-the-Middle Attack in Digital Signature. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–5.
We all are living in the digital era, where the maximum of the information is available online. The digital world has made the transfer of information easy and provides the basic needs of security like authentication, integrity, nonrepudiation, etc. But, with the improvement in security, cyber-attacks have also increased. Security researchers have provided many techniques to prevent these cyber-attacks; one is a Digital Signature (DS). The digital signature uses cryptographic key pairs (public and private) to provide the message's integrity and verify the sender's identity. The private key used in the digital signature is confidential; if attackers find it by using various techniques, then this can result in an attack. This paper presents a brief introduction about the digital signature and how it is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. Further, it discusses a technique to prevent this attack in the digital signature.
Verma, Rajat Singh, Chandavarkar, B. R., Nazareth, Pradeep.  2019.  Mitigation of hard-coded credentials related attacks using QR code and secured web service for IoT. 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–5.
Hard-coded credentials such as clear text log-in id and password provided by the IoT manufacturers and unsecured ways of remotely accessing IoT devices are the major security concerns of industry and academia. Limited memory, power, and processing capabilities of IoT devices further worsen the situations in improving the security of IoT devices. In such scenarios, a lightweight security algorithm up to some extent can minimize the risk. This paper proposes one such approach using Quick Response (QR) code to mitigate hard-coded credentials related attacks such as Mirai malware, wreak havoc, etc. The QR code based approach provides non-clear text unpredictable login id and password. Further, this paper also proposes a secured way of remotely accessing IoT devices through modified https. The proposed algorithms are implemented and verified using Raspberry Pi 3 model B.