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Dreyer, Julian, Tönjes, Ralf, Aschenbruck, Nils.  2022.  Decentralizing loT Public- Key Storage using Distributed Ledger Technology. 2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :172–177.
The secure Internet of Things (loT) increasingly relies on digital cryptographic signatures which require a private signature and public verification key. By their intrinsic nature, public keys are meant to be accessible to any interested party willing to verify a given signature. Thus, the storing of such keys is of great concern, since an adversary shall not be able to tamper with the public keys, e.g., on a local filesystem. Commonly used public-key infrastructures (PKIs), which handle the key distribution and storage, are not feasible in most use-cases, due to their resource intensity and high complexity. Thus, the general storing of the public verification keys is of notable interest for low-resource loT networks. By using the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), this paper proposes a decentralized concept for storing public signature verification keys in a tamper-resistant, secure, and resilient manner. By combining lightweight public-key exchange protocols with the proposed approach, the storing of verification keys becomes scalable and especially suitable for low-resource loT devices. This paper provides a Proof-of-Concept implementation of the DLT public-key store by extending our previously proposed NFC-Key Exchange (NFC-KE) protocol with a decentralized Hyperledger Fabric public-key store. The provided performance analysis shows that by using the decentralized keystore, the NFC- KE protocol gains an increased tamper resistance and overall system resilience while also showing expected performance degradations with a low real-world impact.
ISSN: 2376-6506
Fischer, Marten, Scheerhorn, Alfred, Tönjes, Ralf.  2019.  Using Attribute-Based Encryption on IoT Devices with instant Key Revocation. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). :126–131.
The Internet of Things (IoT) relies on sensor devices to measure real-world phenomena in order to provide IoT services. The sensor readings are shared with multiple entities, such as IoT services, other IoT devices or other third parties. The collected data may be sensitive and include personal information. To protect the privacy of the users, the data needs to be protected through an encryption algorithm. For sharing cryptographic cipher-texts with a group of users Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is well suited, as it does not require to create group keys. However, the creation of ABE cipher-texts is slow when executed on resource constraint devices, such as IoT sensors. In this paper, we present a modification of an ABE scheme, which not only allows to encrypt data efficiently using ABE but also reduces the size of the cipher-text, that must be transmitted by the sensor. We also show how our modification can be used to realise an instantaneous key revocation mechanism.